Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Ok, Tomorrow I die!
Hey. Quick note here, as it's 1 in the morning and I'm running on battery. Yep, check the picture out, I am indeed playing StarCraft right now. I've had it for like a couple years but just never got around to playing it until recently, and I don't aim on stopping playing it this time until I've beat every cursed zergling to it's dying breath. Great game. The very first Real Time Strategy game that I'd ever played was Command and Conquer Red Alert, and it really got me started on those RTS'. Since then I've played and owned every single C&C that they've come out with ( except Tiberian Sun, which I don't own but have beaten ) and a whole bunch of other ones like WarCraft and the StarWars RTS, but so far I think that StarCraft is the one that has put the most "S" into RTS. I mean, it's not like Red Alert where you get the most units and run at the other guy and win, there are all sorts of things that you have to think about, like do I use my SCV to gather money, create buildings, or fix my units, and etc... I suppose that it just might be that how everything works is kinda new to me, and after I get used to it the sweetness might die, but whatever. Heh. "New". The game is about 8 years old. But then again, the classics never get old. Unless you've played them when they first came out. Then they get old. Yikes, I have no idea what I am typing about.
I have been very unhealthy. Today is Sunday the 26th, right? Well, on Wednesday night I went and spent the night at Alex's house. Nice. And then I spent Thursday night there, too. And if you have ever had a sleep over, you know that the last thing that happens at a sleep over is sleep. They should call them "Stay-up-all-night-overs". It would be more accurate. So came back home on Friday ( at 12AM in the evening. Those Brazilians are party animals. = ) ) and found that my sister was having a sleep over herself that night with her friend Rebbecca. And they wanted me to set up TV's so they could watch movies, and so I ended up going to bed that evening at 4AM. Don't pay any attention to the man behind the keyboard, he's dying of sleep deprivation. Right, so, that's 5 hours of sleep 3 nights in a row, ok? Well the next day, I stayed up late again, and don't ask me why, when you're really sleepy, your memory becomes dead, and I can't remember why. Dead dead dead. Other things happened on the weekend but they are indistinguishable through the fog of my memory. And now it is 1 in the morning and the only reason I know the reason I'm staying up late this time is because every once in a while I notice that I can see a screen through my glazed eyes, and I'm typing, and so I reason that I should keep on typing, because that is what you do in such a situation. Reasonably. I will now utter a completely random phrase. The Pineapple Kiwi toilet bowl seat covers once denounced the powers of ten that I won at a midnight raffle party that my purple bunny slippers held in my armpit last Hiver. So true.
Moving right along, tomorrow is Monday, the day I hate. Hay-a-ate. This particular Monday is particularly hated by me though, because it is the day that I shall discover what grade I earned on my BAC. And if I don't pass I have to do the whole BAC experience over again, except this time in another country that I've never been to before, and with teachers that I've never seen before, the same teachers who would be responsible for having given me my failing grade before I went, too. Ah the irony. She is bittersweet, non? I will now leave you with these parting words of wisdom:
Sleep is for Luzers. Just say no. And coherent thoughts are for jerks, as well. So saith the John, may his words forever be respected.
Thank you, and goodnight.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
The BAC is gone and took my pride with it.
Guess who's bac, bac again, the John is bac, tell a friend. Yipee!! Yes, as you might have guessed, my lack of posts for around the last week was due to my total BAC state of mind. I was in the BAC zone. I ate, drank, dreamed, and breathed nothing but BAC for more than 6 days. And I may have posted something similar to those words in my last post. My lack of originality can be excused, though, because a week of tests every day for 8 hours sucks the originality out of one's veins. In addition to just sucking. But seriously, I spent an entire week creating magical fantasies designed to fool the corrector into thinking that I really knew what I was talking about, but just made a few mistakes when I wrote it down, no, seriously, I really knew all this junk, but you just asked the questions really weird, so please give me points at least for that! Hmm. Will beg for points.
So, let me break down how it went for y'all:
First, came La Philosophie. Four hours of speculative joy. Had to explain some text that some guy wrote about religion, whatever. Went OK maybe. Hopefully.
Next came L'Anglais. BOOYAH!!!! I love taking English as a second language! All your points are belong to us!! This test should be able to take the guy that corrects it over it's knee and spank him! Unless, maybe, the corrector is a British dude who thinks cigarettes are fags, and erasers are rubbers. There is a joke in there, but I shall not dirty my blog with it.
I go home and study like mad. Bang head against table. Tomorrow will be the most feared of BAC days, and it's shadow looms over my puny knowledge like a teacher over someone trying to cheat, an infraction which, by the way, is punished by being held back a grade. Good thing I don't cheat, right? Right?
Enter dreaded SVT or, in English, Biology/Geology. OH THE HORROR!! OH THE MAYHEM!!! It was horrendous! All sorts of things I didn't study! Mainly, how the phenomenon of subduction provokes magmatisation. WHAT THE HECK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!! Subduction makes hot. Hot makes Magma. There! I'm finished! And we were supposed to write 3 pages on the subject!! Gaa! So much BS I was forced to create! Whoever is lucky enough to correct my paper will be banging their head on the furniture!
Speaking of head-banging, and not in a "I'm head-banging to this awesome music" kind of way, but the much more unpleasant kind, Histoire/Geographie came next. And it was with cries of disgust throughout the room that we discovered the subject of the test. East Orient. This was a subject that we had written about half a page about in class, and we were about to spend four hours writing an 8 page long paper about the subject. When you have to spread half a page of information over 8 pages, you know a lot of BS had to be made to fill in those holes. So much BS. I alone may be the cause of the hole in the ozone layer, made because of the noxious fumes given off by the high BS content of my tests.
I slowly limp home and lick my wounds. I'm getting tired of waking up at 6:30 AM. The only time I usually wake up before the sun rises is for the Easter Sun Rise Service at church, and that is to honor our savior Jesus-Christ. Is the BAC Jesus? No. And yet I am forced to get up before that stupid early bird and eat that frikin worm. And that is a stupid proverb, anyway. I mean: "Get up early so that you can eat worms!! Yay! Go earliness!". Grrrrrrrr. Anyway, I study much much that evening, bang head on table some more, table breaks, am forced to go bang head on toilet instead. I go to sleep with the math book open on my chest, and when I notice in the morning, I hope maybe that the page I was opened to got printed on my chest, so that when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the test I could look at the thing in the bathroom mirror. No dice. And no temporary tattoo on my chest, either. So sad. Besides, you actually have to have a teacher come with you to the bathroom.
Ah day three, the last day before the weekend. And a day for a measly one test. Sigh. Heaven. WRONG! This is the Math test! This test is weighted the absolute most of all of them, except for Physics! And guess what? This test decided to follow the trend of the two previous ones by being pretty darn hard. I don't even remember what was on it. I have even blocked that day from my memory, it was so traumatic. Everyone did crappy on this one. Lots of ppl only finished two of the four exercises. So very painful. This test became known among even teachers as the hardest Math BAC ever. And dude, they're old. They have seen a lot of BACs. I will be visiting a psychiatrist years from now about the repressed memories.
Ah, the weekend. The merciful calm within the storm that is the BAC. Do I maybe go on the Internet and do email and post on my blog during these two god-sent days? No. That would interrupt my fevered sleeping, studying, and head-banging sessions. I say fevered because I was also a little sick during the whole thing. My stomach still feels like refuse. Headache, fever, everything. Maybe this malady was stress related? I don't know. Anyway, the weekend was an occasion for great joy for other reasons as well because the Rileys flew in on Saturday! Aw yeeah! It's pretty cool because Mr. and Mrs. Riley have about five kids, two of which are youth group age. If it seems bizzare to go crazy about this to you, you have never been an MK in this country. The Rileys coming just about doubles the number of teenagers I know around here. ( Not including the French school. ) Awesome. And it about quintuples the number of people I know who like video games as well. Anyway, I take a little break from Physics-assisted suicide to celebrate their arrival, and that evening we all stay up late to watch National Treasure, which is a pretty cool movie, and I was surprised that the Rileys could stay awake during the whole thing because they had just spent around two days crossing 7 time zones, and you don't really get good sleep on those planes. I would have stayed up and watched it, but 9 out of 10 leading experts agree that I'm not sane. There is a part in that movie where where the good guy tells his friends that the bad guy can't be far behind in the clues, because the bad guy has unlimited resources and resolve. And in the scene before that the bad guy was seen telling his lackey put the clue into a yahoo search on his high-tech computer in their mobile HQ, and then they clicked on the top results and figured out where to go next. So thats what "unlimited resources" means! Yahoo! Good lord! What if he had used Google? The good guy would never had made it! Gee, it seems as if I too have unlimited resources! Cool! Go internet search engines!
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the BAC, may it's name forever be cursed. Right. As I mentioned before, Physics was my highest weighted grade. And so I studied. And studied. And banged my head against the toilet. And Sunday evening I skipped church so that I could sweep up the bits and pieces of information that I still didn't know about Chemistry and Physics and cram them into my massive brain. A brain which was perhaps not so massive as I thought, as Physics keeped on leaking from it, as I was calculating the viscosity of milk in my cereal, and wondering if I could use an esterification reaction between an alcool and an acid to make soap when I couldn't find any in the shower. And so I layed my head down to sleep, sure of my knowledge, and confident that tomorrow would go well.
Did you know that on the first day of the BAC, two people were late? Of course you didn't. This is notable because if you are not present in the testing area at the time of the opening of the test ( They're sealed ) you will not be admitted, and you will get a zero on that test. Now, when it was time to start, the teachers knowing that this was the law, looked at the clock, looked at the two empty chairs, and being not quite so evil as you might think, decided to wait another 15 minutes until opening the test packet. The missing persons jogged in and collapsed in their chairs about 20 minutes later, and we began. That was Wednesday. Today is Monday of the next week. The teachers, after two more late starts, said that the next time someone was late, they would not wait. I chose today to wake up quite very late. I quickly jumped out of bed, splashed some cereal on my face and ate a bowl of shampoo, ran out the door and jumped in the car, making sure that I had my drivers license and my convocation ( they have to verify that you're really you, and the drivers license was my official proof of identity. No I wasn't driving. ) , and then Whoosh! off we went. I told our driver Mr. Syla to not only ignore the traffic laws as is usual when driving in Guinea, but to ignore the laws of Physics as well. And so off we drove faster than the speed of light, sometimes driving through cars that were in front of us, and when we hit the speed bump, instead of falling back down we fell up, flying over the morning traffic jam and landing in front of the school. Mr. Syla is a good driver. And I rushed to the test room, and by some miracle I was actually only 15 minutes early. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who prayed for me during this test. It obviously worked.
And so began trial by Physique/Chemie. Our Physics teacher Mr. Garcia is the one who opens the tests, and before he distributes them to us, he takes the top one off the pack and examines it. His eyes grow wide and he gives us a look that says "Wow. Just wow." That cannot be a good thing. Hmm, first exercise not so bad, Mr. Garcia must have just been amazed at how easy it was, about gravitational attraction between planets, which is cool, something I had actually studied. But long. It was worth 3pts out of 20 and it covered three pages. Ok, took me a little more time to finish that one than I would have hoped, but it went well. What's next? Oh, sweet! Nuclear reactions! I studied that too! Gee, but it takes up around four pages of questions, though. Now I'm finished, and it's starting to look bad time wise. Just an hour and a half left out of 3 hrs 30, and I had only done 6pts out of 20. Not good. Next one was worth 6pts thankfully, and wasn't quite so long. Electrolysation of water. Hmm, I seem to remember something about that... OK, only 30 minutes left on the clock, and I have one last question to answer, and it's my super hard specialite question ( I specialized in phys/chem ) and it's about dosages, where you add stuff to a solution to find out how much junk is inside. Hmm. A dosage is an experiment that you do, not a test question! And then they start out by asking you to write the reaction equation between silver nitrate and sodium chlorate, and that's cool, I'll do that, but what the heck is silver nitrate and sodium chlorate!! Do they expect us to memorize the periodic table of elements!? What the heck!!! And all the questions after that are about the reaction! And so I make like Darth Vader and go NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ( I haven't actually seen the movie, but I heard about that part. ) And if I were Darth Vader I would have chosen this moment to grab my own throat with my mind and squeeze.
Alright, at least thats over, but wait! There's more! Last and least of all my tests is Espagnol which isn't really worth much, and I never studied for. I forgot all my Spanish vocabulary and decided to just cut and paste the words of the text into my answers. Teachers never like that. I just realized that its kinda weird that I am taking a foreign language in a foreign language. In one of the questions I had to translate some text from Spanish into french. You won't get that in a Spanish class in the states.=)
And there you go, that was my BAC. A most unpleasant experience indeed, one to be avoided if you can. When I got home, I stumbled off to bed and slept, and when I awoke, I could barely move because I was so physically tired. Stress can do that to you.
And then today is my sister Melanie's Birthday, the 21st of June! What a joyous occasion! I think that makes her like 13 or 16 or 12 or something. Never can remember. I think even Melanie herself had forgotten that today was to be her birthday, so I don't know how we shall party. I think she wants Chinese food. I will download something cool for her off the net, or get her a card or something.
Well, I will know if I passed June 27, and at that time, if I did not pass, I will jump in a plane and fly to Dakar to do the catching up session after which I am sure I will pass. If I do pass, then I will jump in a car and drive up to Dalaba for the MK camp. Either way I'm jumping in something and going somewhere right after I find out if I passed, so I'll post the news at a later date. And that ends this encyclopedia-sized post. Adios, et a bientot!
So, let me break down how it went for y'all:
First, came La Philosophie. Four hours of speculative joy. Had to explain some text that some guy wrote about religion, whatever. Went OK maybe. Hopefully.
Next came L'Anglais. BOOYAH!!!! I love taking English as a second language! All your points are belong to us!! This test should be able to take the guy that corrects it over it's knee and spank him! Unless, maybe, the corrector is a British dude who thinks cigarettes are fags, and erasers are rubbers. There is a joke in there, but I shall not dirty my blog with it.
I go home and study like mad. Bang head against table. Tomorrow will be the most feared of BAC days, and it's shadow looms over my puny knowledge like a teacher over someone trying to cheat, an infraction which, by the way, is punished by being held back a grade. Good thing I don't cheat, right? Right?
Enter dreaded SVT or, in English, Biology/Geology. OH THE HORROR!! OH THE MAYHEM!!! It was horrendous! All sorts of things I didn't study! Mainly, how the phenomenon of subduction provokes magmatisation. WHAT THE HECK KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!! Subduction makes hot. Hot makes Magma. There! I'm finished! And we were supposed to write 3 pages on the subject!! Gaa! So much BS I was forced to create! Whoever is lucky enough to correct my paper will be banging their head on the furniture!
Speaking of head-banging, and not in a "I'm head-banging to this awesome music" kind of way, but the much more unpleasant kind, Histoire/Geographie came next. And it was with cries of disgust throughout the room that we discovered the subject of the test. East Orient. This was a subject that we had written about half a page about in class, and we were about to spend four hours writing an 8 page long paper about the subject. When you have to spread half a page of information over 8 pages, you know a lot of BS had to be made to fill in those holes. So much BS. I alone may be the cause of the hole in the ozone layer, made because of the noxious fumes given off by the high BS content of my tests.
I slowly limp home and lick my wounds. I'm getting tired of waking up at 6:30 AM. The only time I usually wake up before the sun rises is for the Easter Sun Rise Service at church, and that is to honor our savior Jesus-Christ. Is the BAC Jesus? No. And yet I am forced to get up before that stupid early bird and eat that frikin worm. And that is a stupid proverb, anyway. I mean: "Get up early so that you can eat worms!! Yay! Go earliness!". Grrrrrrrr. Anyway, I study much much that evening, bang head on table some more, table breaks, am forced to go bang head on toilet instead. I go to sleep with the math book open on my chest, and when I notice in the morning, I hope maybe that the page I was opened to got printed on my chest, so that when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the test I could look at the thing in the bathroom mirror. No dice. And no temporary tattoo on my chest, either. So sad. Besides, you actually have to have a teacher come with you to the bathroom.
Ah day three, the last day before the weekend. And a day for a measly one test. Sigh. Heaven. WRONG! This is the Math test! This test is weighted the absolute most of all of them, except for Physics! And guess what? This test decided to follow the trend of the two previous ones by being pretty darn hard. I don't even remember what was on it. I have even blocked that day from my memory, it was so traumatic. Everyone did crappy on this one. Lots of ppl only finished two of the four exercises. So very painful. This test became known among even teachers as the hardest Math BAC ever. And dude, they're old. They have seen a lot of BACs. I will be visiting a psychiatrist years from now about the repressed memories.
Ah, the weekend. The merciful calm within the storm that is the BAC. Do I maybe go on the Internet and do email and post on my blog during these two god-sent days? No. That would interrupt my fevered sleeping, studying, and head-banging sessions. I say fevered because I was also a little sick during the whole thing. My stomach still feels like refuse. Headache, fever, everything. Maybe this malady was stress related? I don't know. Anyway, the weekend was an occasion for great joy for other reasons as well because the Rileys flew in on Saturday! Aw yeeah! It's pretty cool because Mr. and Mrs. Riley have about five kids, two of which are youth group age. If it seems bizzare to go crazy about this to you, you have never been an MK in this country. The Rileys coming just about doubles the number of teenagers I know around here. ( Not including the French school. ) Awesome. And it about quintuples the number of people I know who like video games as well. Anyway, I take a little break from Physics-assisted suicide to celebrate their arrival, and that evening we all stay up late to watch National Treasure, which is a pretty cool movie, and I was surprised that the Rileys could stay awake during the whole thing because they had just spent around two days crossing 7 time zones, and you don't really get good sleep on those planes. I would have stayed up and watched it, but 9 out of 10 leading experts agree that I'm not sane. There is a part in that movie where where the good guy tells his friends that the bad guy can't be far behind in the clues, because the bad guy has unlimited resources and resolve. And in the scene before that the bad guy was seen telling his lackey put the clue into a yahoo search on his high-tech computer in their mobile HQ, and then they clicked on the top results and figured out where to go next. So thats what "unlimited resources" means! Yahoo! Good lord! What if he had used Google? The good guy would never had made it! Gee, it seems as if I too have unlimited resources! Cool! Go internet search engines!
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the BAC, may it's name forever be cursed. Right. As I mentioned before, Physics was my highest weighted grade. And so I studied. And studied. And banged my head against the toilet. And Sunday evening I skipped church so that I could sweep up the bits and pieces of information that I still didn't know about Chemistry and Physics and cram them into my massive brain. A brain which was perhaps not so massive as I thought, as Physics keeped on leaking from it, as I was calculating the viscosity of milk in my cereal, and wondering if I could use an esterification reaction between an alcool and an acid to make soap when I couldn't find any in the shower. And so I layed my head down to sleep, sure of my knowledge, and confident that tomorrow would go well.
Did you know that on the first day of the BAC, two people were late? Of course you didn't. This is notable because if you are not present in the testing area at the time of the opening of the test ( They're sealed ) you will not be admitted, and you will get a zero on that test. Now, when it was time to start, the teachers knowing that this was the law, looked at the clock, looked at the two empty chairs, and being not quite so evil as you might think, decided to wait another 15 minutes until opening the test packet. The missing persons jogged in and collapsed in their chairs about 20 minutes later, and we began. That was Wednesday. Today is Monday of the next week. The teachers, after two more late starts, said that the next time someone was late, they would not wait. I chose today to wake up quite very late. I quickly jumped out of bed, splashed some cereal on my face and ate a bowl of shampoo, ran out the door and jumped in the car, making sure that I had my drivers license and my convocation ( they have to verify that you're really you, and the drivers license was my official proof of identity. No I wasn't driving. ) , and then Whoosh! off we went. I told our driver Mr. Syla to not only ignore the traffic laws as is usual when driving in Guinea, but to ignore the laws of Physics as well. And so off we drove faster than the speed of light, sometimes driving through cars that were in front of us, and when we hit the speed bump, instead of falling back down we fell up, flying over the morning traffic jam and landing in front of the school. Mr. Syla is a good driver. And I rushed to the test room, and by some miracle I was actually only 15 minutes early. I would like to take this time to thank everyone who prayed for me during this test. It obviously worked.
And so began trial by Physique/Chemie. Our Physics teacher Mr. Garcia is the one who opens the tests, and before he distributes them to us, he takes the top one off the pack and examines it. His eyes grow wide and he gives us a look that says "Wow. Just wow." That cannot be a good thing. Hmm, first exercise not so bad, Mr. Garcia must have just been amazed at how easy it was, about gravitational attraction between planets, which is cool, something I had actually studied. But long. It was worth 3pts out of 20 and it covered three pages. Ok, took me a little more time to finish that one than I would have hoped, but it went well. What's next? Oh, sweet! Nuclear reactions! I studied that too! Gee, but it takes up around four pages of questions, though. Now I'm finished, and it's starting to look bad time wise. Just an hour and a half left out of 3 hrs 30, and I had only done 6pts out of 20. Not good. Next one was worth 6pts thankfully, and wasn't quite so long. Electrolysation of water. Hmm, I seem to remember something about that... OK, only 30 minutes left on the clock, and I have one last question to answer, and it's my super hard specialite question ( I specialized in phys/chem ) and it's about dosages, where you add stuff to a solution to find out how much junk is inside. Hmm. A dosage is an experiment that you do, not a test question! And then they start out by asking you to write the reaction equation between silver nitrate and sodium chlorate, and that's cool, I'll do that, but what the heck is silver nitrate and sodium chlorate!! Do they expect us to memorize the periodic table of elements!? What the heck!!! And all the questions after that are about the reaction! And so I make like Darth Vader and go NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! ( I haven't actually seen the movie, but I heard about that part. ) And if I were Darth Vader I would have chosen this moment to grab my own throat with my mind and squeeze.
Alright, at least thats over, but wait! There's more! Last and least of all my tests is Espagnol which isn't really worth much, and I never studied for. I forgot all my Spanish vocabulary and decided to just cut and paste the words of the text into my answers. Teachers never like that. I just realized that its kinda weird that I am taking a foreign language in a foreign language. In one of the questions I had to translate some text from Spanish into french. You won't get that in a Spanish class in the states.=)
And there you go, that was my BAC. A most unpleasant experience indeed, one to be avoided if you can. When I got home, I stumbled off to bed and slept, and when I awoke, I could barely move because I was so physically tired. Stress can do that to you.
And then today is my sister Melanie's Birthday, the 21st of June! What a joyous occasion! I think that makes her like 13 or 16 or 12 or something. Never can remember. I think even Melanie herself had forgotten that today was to be her birthday, so I don't know how we shall party. I think she wants Chinese food. I will download something cool for her off the net, or get her a card or something.
Well, I will know if I passed June 27, and at that time, if I did not pass, I will jump in a plane and fly to Dakar to do the catching up session after which I am sure I will pass. If I do pass, then I will jump in a car and drive up to Dalaba for the MK camp. Either way I'm jumping in something and going somewhere right after I find out if I passed, so I'll post the news at a later date. And that ends this encyclopedia-sized post. Adios, et a bientot!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Gack! It's the BAC!
Tomorrow is the BAC! I will DIE! The BAC is going to open me up and eat my insides out! The end is less than 12 Hours away!! Help!
Tomorrow is the BAC! I will DIE! The BAC is going to open me up and eat my insides out! The end is less than 12 Hours away!! Help!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Spray-on mud.
Wow! Check this out, they actually have spray on mud that you can buy for your SUV if you aren't brave enough to take it off road. That is a speciality product!
What do you sell?
Who me?, well I sell packaged mud!
It's for covering your liscense plate from traffic cameras.
Look! So thats where all the elves went at the end of lord of the rings! They make cookies!
Sometimes you feel like a nut.
Yo. My brain is exploding. Too much study. Want play bang-bang shoot game make big explosions whoopie! Seriously. I have a massive headache from trying to understand all this chemistry. For example: there is a coefficient K which is equal to the product of the concentration of the products divided by the product of the concentrations of the reactifs, right? Well this is totally different from Ka ( the acidity coefficient ) which is equal to the product of the concentration of the base times the concentration of oxonium divided by the concentration of the acid. Speaking of acid, it has driven me completely insane!! Not to mention that those two coefficients are completely different from pKa and Ke and Qr and pH, which I will not waste space explaining, but all have very similar definitions and as far as I can tell serve no purpose except as being really annoying test questions!!! Do you understand this!!?? Cause I spent all day trying to figure the danged things out and now I couldn't tell you what the square root of four is, or my brain would go into overload!!! *Insert crazed laughter here* Hehehehehehahahahahaahahahahgigglegigglegigglegiggle!!! Wheee! Let's calculate the coefficient of insanity to studying!! Goodness gracious! It looks like it's 1 billion parts crazy to one part studying!! Wow! That explains why I'm so messed up right now!! *More crazy laughter* Gigglegigglegigglegigglegigglehohohohohohohohohohohohaeheheheh!!! Check me into the asylum, bring on the Bac, or shoot me, any of the above would be merciful right now.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Dilbert inspired by me.
Yep.That's pretty much what goes on here.
B to the A to the C.
Ha ha! Booyah! I just now ( Wednesday June 08 at 11:33PM ) finally finished studying for my BAC! The Physics part of my BAC. All that's left now is to study Chemistry, Biology, Math, History, Spanish, and Philosophy. And English. And suddenly it's not so cool anymore. Sigh. Well, I spent the whole day today studying. In fact I took a subconscious vow of hermitage, refusing to leave the comforting womb of my room and, later when I finally was overtaken by hunger, the suburbs of my room, which others like to call the rest of our house. Nope, no sunlight was able to carry it's UVs to harm my skin today. Yep. I had SPF-frikin'-roof-over-my-head-2000 all over me. Gotta keep that healthy pale computer screen glow that drives the ladies wild locked inside my skin. ;-) The bad part is that I wanted to go over to the office and do e-mail all day, but all the scary people and evil sunlight made me put it off over and over again until it became now. Midnight. We hates the sunlight, we hates it, precious! Gollum gollum! So here I am, typing in the dark because there is no power, the only thing I can see in the inky blackness that floods my vision is the screen in front of me, which is busily attracting every flying insect within 348 light years of it's sweet, friendly glow.
Type. Type. Type. That's me: the Typing-typer of typedom fame. Oh, hey, I made a picture describing my distress over the loss of my palm. It should be down there now, with the tragic story of my palm. And if you can't figure out what all that blurry junk is, it's a picture of a skeleton holding in his upstreached arms a palm tungsten E shouting his pain to the oncoming storm. The symbolism is clear: the looming storm of the BAC is going to strip the flesh from my bones faster than a fish tank full of pirhanas, and I will randomly grab the thing closest to me and show it to the BAC and tell it to "Take this instead!". Or maybe it's just me mourning the loss of my palm; whichever sounds more plausible to you. B.A.C.-day is the 15 of June, in exactly a week, and I would appreciate any prayers you might be willing to donate to a good cause: the "Help John graduate from high school" cause.
Did you know that I made a banner in flash for this site? It was pretty cool, the only problem was I used a tripod site to host the file, and half of the time tripod was too darn slow for the banner to get loaded on the page. There must be a billion people on Tripod, and I guess that slows things down. So the banner's life span was cut short to about 59 minutes. I mention this because when I wasn't studying today, I was making another banner, this time just a picture and not a gigantic flash, using a 3-D program I have called Blender. Excellent program, once you get used to the weird controls. It was made with 3-D designers in mind, you see, therefore lots of the commands are done by pressing a button on the keyboard, opposed to going through lots of menus. But you've got to know what those keys do, unless "boolean difference" is a phrase that immediately makes you think of a 3-D shape making technique. And if it does, then your just cheating somehow. Great program. And free, I might add. I'm a big fan of free things on the net, love those GNU licenses. Like the GIMP for instance, which I use instead of PhotoShop, it's evil twin brother, which costs like 100 bucks or so. EVIL!
Oh, and Hi Jonathan! You are about the only person who is reading my blog right now, so thanks for reading! I got your letters, I just haven't been able to write back yet because I haven't been online for very long lately. Hmm, it's kinda strange that you have to have a Blogger account to post comments here! Don't know why. But if you want to have a blog ( they're pretty fun, and it seems to be the fad for a lot of people lately ) you could sign up! It's really easy to update them, I just write to a special email address and blogger posts it to the site, and it is completely rated G as long as you don't read some of the other strange people's ( besides me ) blogs. I mean, you really can put whatever you want on your blog, as long as you don't want to host downloads or anything. I just chose Blogger because it's Google! And I love Google! No complaints from me, except that the site doesn't really make it very easy to find other peoples blogs on it ( no search blogspot, or groups or anything as far as I can tell ). The other two popular blogging sites are LiveJournal and Xanga, which as far as I've seen are excellent as well. It would be pretty neat to see you get a Blog! Oh yeah, and sign my guestbook if you haven't already. Your signature would make the number of people who has signed my book do an astronomical leap from nothing to something. ;-) Hehe. Thanks. Well, I'm off to visit the sandman now, wish me luck on my journey to La-la land! C-ya!
Type. Type. Type. That's me: the Typing-typer of typedom fame. Oh, hey, I made a picture describing my distress over the loss of my palm. It should be down there now, with the tragic story of my palm. And if you can't figure out what all that blurry junk is, it's a picture of a skeleton holding in his upstreached arms a palm tungsten E shouting his pain to the oncoming storm. The symbolism is clear: the looming storm of the BAC is going to strip the flesh from my bones faster than a fish tank full of pirhanas, and I will randomly grab the thing closest to me and show it to the BAC and tell it to "Take this instead!". Or maybe it's just me mourning the loss of my palm; whichever sounds more plausible to you. B.A.C.-day is the 15 of June, in exactly a week, and I would appreciate any prayers you might be willing to donate to a good cause: the "Help John graduate from high school" cause.
Did you know that I made a banner in flash for this site? It was pretty cool, the only problem was I used a tripod site to host the file, and half of the time tripod was too darn slow for the banner to get loaded on the page. There must be a billion people on Tripod, and I guess that slows things down. So the banner's life span was cut short to about 59 minutes. I mention this because when I wasn't studying today, I was making another banner, this time just a picture and not a gigantic flash, using a 3-D program I have called Blender. Excellent program, once you get used to the weird controls. It was made with 3-D designers in mind, you see, therefore lots of the commands are done by pressing a button on the keyboard, opposed to going through lots of menus. But you've got to know what those keys do, unless "boolean difference" is a phrase that immediately makes you think of a 3-D shape making technique. And if it does, then your just cheating somehow. Great program. And free, I might add. I'm a big fan of free things on the net, love those GNU licenses. Like the GIMP for instance, which I use instead of PhotoShop, it's evil twin brother, which costs like 100 bucks or so. EVIL!
Oh, and Hi Jonathan! You are about the only person who is reading my blog right now, so thanks for reading! I got your letters, I just haven't been able to write back yet because I haven't been online for very long lately. Hmm, it's kinda strange that you have to have a Blogger account to post comments here! Don't know why. But if you want to have a blog ( they're pretty fun, and it seems to be the fad for a lot of people lately ) you could sign up! It's really easy to update them, I just write to a special email address and blogger posts it to the site, and it is completely rated G as long as you don't read some of the other strange people's ( besides me ) blogs. I mean, you really can put whatever you want on your blog, as long as you don't want to host downloads or anything. I just chose Blogger because it's Google! And I love Google! No complaints from me, except that the site doesn't really make it very easy to find other peoples blogs on it ( no search blogspot, or groups or anything as far as I can tell ). The other two popular blogging sites are LiveJournal and Xanga, which as far as I've seen are excellent as well. It would be pretty neat to see you get a Blog! Oh yeah, and sign my guestbook if you haven't already. Your signature would make the number of people who has signed my book do an astronomical leap from nothing to something. ;-) Hehe. Thanks. Well, I'm off to visit the sandman now, wish me luck on my journey to La-la land! C-ya!
Monday, June 06, 2005
He's got the whole world in his palm.
Yo yo yo!! Wazza wazza wazza!!? Hehe. That makes so much more sense if you say it out loud. So, wazzup my nizzles? Fo Rizzles. Oh yeah. I be pimpin'. Down in the hood wit' my euboniks, homedog. Word.
Just got back from spending most of the day at Alex's house. Sweet. Watched him play a little bit of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, which he let me borrow when I left. Looks OK, sorta like a copy of every other RTS ever made. Attack of the Clones, indeed. But it's Star Wars, and that's what counts. Being of the Star Wars brand 'ups' a game around 3 pts on the coolness factor for me. Unfortunately, with a lot of the star wars games that have come out, that only rises their score to about minus nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven on a coolness scale from 1 to 10. No kidding. And so I withhold judgment upon the Battlegrounds of Galacticness until a further date. After I have had a chance to behold it's glory. And stuff.
Man, Alex can talk up a storm. I mean, I'm cool with that, it's not like I usually have anything worth while to say, and it's kinda nice to be able to just sit and listen, but dude!, when I got dropped off back home everything just sounded so quiet and empty of sound, and I found that I was expecting my family to talk to me like Alex, and I was unusually quiet with them, just going around and listening. I guess I'm a good listener, cause thats what I like to do when I have the chance. It just strikes me as awfully strange somehow to be thinking about all this stuff without knowing Alex's opinion about it, now! Darn it. Now I have to figure out what to think about stuff all by myself. Pesky personal opinions. Such a bother. Really. You know, I don't know if I'm lazy or what, but sometimes I think it would be so much easier if you had someone who told you how you should think, what you should wear, what you should do, how you should feel, etc.. It would eliminate so many uncertainties in life. But, now that I think about it, you do, really. I mean, there are all sorts of self-help books telling you how act to have strong relationships, there are critics telling you what to think about movies or games, fashion magazines to tell you how to look good. And all of a sudden, almost before the words stopped spraying asunder from John's fingertips, it sounded really, really, not so much like a good idea anymore. At all.
I'm getting verry sleeepy... but I consider myself honor bound to tell you about my poor innocent Palm's horrifying state, bound by the Blogger's creed, that says yes, Yes, no matter how insignificant, no matter how petty, no matter how much even the author doesn't care, it can, and it shall be blogged! Only the persistent will survive! Onward! As I take these words into my very heart, I shall tell you the tale of an adventurous car ride over rocky brown soil and through overflowing rivers, testing the limits of our four wheel drive, the afternoon sky dark as if night with a wild rainstorm, rain pounding against the car's window like it wants to get in and it means to, no matter how long it must beat away. As I gazed out onto this dreary scene, my Palm Tungsten E, snuggled as usual in the warm confines of my cargo shorts' right front pocket chose this moment to slip out unnoticed and benefit from the scenery provided by the floor, a muddy view as well, thanks to the dirty footprints made by my mud caked shoes. Luckily for my Palm, it landed face-up on all that filth. No, the unlucky part was yet to come, as I unwittingly opened the car door, pushing against the strong wind and shielding my eyes from the rain that rode it, opening the umbrella, trying to keep it from collapsing, and holding it up so the other passengers could get out slightly less soaked than I was at that point. While I waited for everyone to get out, I noticed my Palm down on the floor of the car, illuminated in a bright flash of lightning, getting pelted by buckets of evil, evil rain. I picked it up, wiped it on my shirt, drying my shirt off and getting the Palm more wet as I did so, and thought little of it as I walked to the house struggling to hold the umbrella open against wind that could have easily been responsible making me just like Mary Popins who was able to fly around with her talking one. I finally reached refuge inside the building, the only light being provided by lightning strikes, coming with loud booms of thunder, until someone could find the light switch. I turned my Palm on. Oh good! It still worked! What a relief. I went to dry it on some handy surface that didn't look like it had just been swimming in a pool like I did, and decided to check what time it was, using the Palm because I forgot my watch. I clicked the time button. Nothing happened. I did it again. Ditto. I clicked the main menu button. Nada. I poked the screen madly like a woodpecker jackhammering a tree. Nuthin. Good lord! My screen wouldn't work!
Lightning struck and people were frightened to see me on my knees screaming to the heavens between sobs: "Why Lord, wwhhyyyy!? Why couldn't it have been me!? Take me instead!! WWHHHHHYYYYYY???" The horendifying truth is that everything on my Palm works, save the screen, which doesn't accept my gentle caresses with the stylus anymore. Oh the inhumanity! Well, that is the sorry story of my life for today, soon to be followed by the much more tear-inducing story of how I failed my BAC because I wasn't studying anymore. THE END.
Just got back from spending most of the day at Alex's house. Sweet. Watched him play a little bit of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, which he let me borrow when I left. Looks OK, sorta like a copy of every other RTS ever made. Attack of the Clones, indeed. But it's Star Wars, and that's what counts. Being of the Star Wars brand 'ups' a game around 3 pts on the coolness factor for me. Unfortunately, with a lot of the star wars games that have come out, that only rises their score to about minus nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-seven on a coolness scale from 1 to 10. No kidding. And so I withhold judgment upon the Battlegrounds of Galacticness until a further date. After I have had a chance to behold it's glory. And stuff.
Man, Alex can talk up a storm. I mean, I'm cool with that, it's not like I usually have anything worth while to say, and it's kinda nice to be able to just sit and listen, but dude!, when I got dropped off back home everything just sounded so quiet and empty of sound, and I found that I was expecting my family to talk to me like Alex, and I was unusually quiet with them, just going around and listening. I guess I'm a good listener, cause thats what I like to do when I have the chance. It just strikes me as awfully strange somehow to be thinking about all this stuff without knowing Alex's opinion about it, now! Darn it. Now I have to figure out what to think about stuff all by myself. Pesky personal opinions. Such a bother. Really. You know, I don't know if I'm lazy or what, but sometimes I think it would be so much easier if you had someone who told you how you should think, what you should wear, what you should do, how you should feel, etc.. It would eliminate so many uncertainties in life. But, now that I think about it, you do, really. I mean, there are all sorts of self-help books telling you how act to have strong relationships, there are critics telling you what to think about movies or games, fashion magazines to tell you how to look good. And all of a sudden, almost before the words stopped spraying asunder from John's fingertips, it sounded really, really, not so much like a good idea anymore. At all.
I'm getting verry sleeepy... but I consider myself honor bound to tell you about my poor innocent Palm's horrifying state, bound by the Blogger's creed, that says yes, Yes, no matter how insignificant, no matter how petty, no matter how much even the author doesn't care, it can, and it shall be blogged! Only the persistent will survive! Onward! As I take these words into my very heart, I shall tell you the tale of an adventurous car ride over rocky brown soil and through overflowing rivers, testing the limits of our four wheel drive, the afternoon sky dark as if night with a wild rainstorm, rain pounding against the car's window like it wants to get in and it means to, no matter how long it must beat away. As I gazed out onto this dreary scene, my Palm Tungsten E, snuggled as usual in the warm confines of my cargo shorts' right front pocket chose this moment to slip out unnoticed and benefit from the scenery provided by the floor, a muddy view as well, thanks to the dirty footprints made by my mud caked shoes. Luckily for my Palm, it landed face-up on all that filth. No, the unlucky part was yet to come, as I unwittingly opened the car door, pushing against the strong wind and shielding my eyes from the rain that rode it, opening the umbrella, trying to keep it from collapsing, and holding it up so the other passengers could get out slightly less soaked than I was at that point. While I waited for everyone to get out, I noticed my Palm down on the floor of the car, illuminated in a bright flash of lightning, getting pelted by buckets of evil, evil rain. I picked it up, wiped it on my shirt, drying my shirt off and getting the Palm more wet as I did so, and thought little of it as I walked to the house struggling to hold the umbrella open against wind that could have easily been responsible making me just like Mary Popins who was able to fly around with her talking one. I finally reached refuge inside the building, the only light being provided by lightning strikes, coming with loud booms of thunder, until someone could find the light switch. I turned my Palm on. Oh good! It still worked! What a relief. I went to dry it on some handy surface that didn't look like it had just been swimming in a pool like I did, and decided to check what time it was, using the Palm because I forgot my watch. I clicked the time button. Nothing happened. I did it again. Ditto. I clicked the main menu button. Nada. I poked the screen madly like a woodpecker jackhammering a tree. Nuthin. Good lord! My screen wouldn't work!
Lightning struck and people were frightened to see me on my knees screaming to the heavens between sobs: "Why Lord, wwhhyyyy!? Why couldn't it have been me!? Take me instead!! WWHHHHHYYYYYY???" The horendifying truth is that everything on my Palm works, save the screen, which doesn't accept my gentle caresses with the stylus anymore. Oh the inhumanity! Well, that is the sorry story of my life for today, soon to be followed by the much more tear-inducing story of how I failed my BAC because I wasn't studying anymore. THE END.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Too tired to make sense.
Hey. Check this out: Jesus' face peeking out of a woman's ultrasound! How is it possible! The second comming! Of a new Jesus-face-in-my-grilled-cheese-sandwich type be as famous as possible thing. Is there no dignity left!? Here is the picture:
Can you see it? If still you can't find the face, just click on the picture to see what looks like our savior's face highlighted so you can tell it appart from all the other blurry spots. Wierd. They even had it scaned on t-shirts for really crazy ppl to buy.
Tell me what ya'll think. Well, I can't see my keyboard because my eyes are sleep-blurry, so I guess I'll see you later. Bye.
Can you see it? If still you can't find the face, just click on the picture to see what looks like our savior's face highlighted so you can tell it appart from all the other blurry spots. Wierd. They even had it scaned on t-shirts for really crazy ppl to buy.
Tell me what ya'll think. Well, I can't see my keyboard because my eyes are sleep-blurry, so I guess I'll see you later. Bye.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Mission accomplished. Maybe. If I was lucky.
Hey. Finished the TP yesterday. What a joy. I was scheduled to do physics at 8:15 and then Biology at 10:15, so I went to school and waited in front of the slaughtering room patiently while no one came to give the test. Yep. A whole lot of nothing happening. I was getting pretty worried as it got around to 8:45 , when the physics teacher walked by. I asked him why we weren't getting started, and he looked at me kinda surprised and told me that they changed the schedule so that physics started at 10:15 because he had a class to teach from 8 till 10. WHAAT!!!?? So now I had a biology test and a physics test at the exact same time!! Yep. So I did what any other person who has just studied cellular biology all night would do. I separated myself through mitoses into two identical copies of myself, therefore increasing the world's coolness factor by half, and took the tests. Or I would have done this, if I hadn't just spent the night studying Physics as well, and therefore known that two of myself at the same place and at the same time would cause a critical mass of awesomeness, causing a sub-nuclear chain reaction which would then in turn cause the entire continent of Africa to implode.
And make small children cry. Sometimes I curse these shocking good looks and my in
credible wit. If only the world was built to withstand them. Well, this left me in quite a bind, so I went to the school secretary's office to see what we could do to fix the situation, and found out that everyone's schedule had thoroughly been screwed up and changed without telling anyone, even the teachers. I love my school. Well, I got that cleared up, finding that instead of going through physics first, I was actually going to be the last one, going at around 12AM. And the last shall be first. I got to stress the two hours between then and my Biology test, took it, and had to draw what I saw with a microscope of a follicle in a rabbit's ovary. Yay. Went pretty good I think: I can draw OK. Got out at 11, the TP's taking an hour each. I would like to say that I waited an hour until 12 and then took my physics TP, but not only was the schedule messed-up, but when I got out, around 10 ppl were still waiting to do physics. Hmm. Now I know this wasn't a math test, but it was pretty obvious that I wasn't going to be doing my test at 12. I ended up waiting until 2PM to start, the whole stupid thing having gone into 2 hours of overtime. The stress was crippling, too. I mean, waiting for five hours to do the things when you were only expecting to wait one hour isn't easy. So I was the last one, everyone else having gone before me, the small group of ppl waiting for the test dwindling until there was only me. The school deserted of life, nothing moving. Even noises sounded muffled, my readjusting myself on the bench sounded like it was happening underwater. So I waited. And waited. So quiet. Colors looked washed out even, as if the recent rains had blurred the gigantic painting of mountains in the distance. Quiet. Finally the door opened to find me asleep on the small bench, my head pillowed on my backpack. I awoke with a start. Jeez that took a really long time. I went into the room filled with strange beakers and lasers and radios for the different experiments. No one was left in the room, even though four people were supposed to take the test at a time, each doing a different experiment. Where did they all go? Had I slept longer than I thought? The room was dark so that the laser experiment could be done easier, making the room seem gloomy. Only one of the teachers was left because there was no one else taking the test left to supervise. So I reached into the hat with the papers written with the name of the experiment I would do on them, and pulled out the most horrible one I could imagine getting. "La Modulation". NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It has something to do with taking a weak frequency signal and multiplying it with a signal of a stronger frequency to send it over long distances. The equations were horrendously complicated ( to me at least ). The teacher, presumably shocked by my scream, told me to pick another out of the hat. Whew! Saved. I stepped back from the ledge of the third story window, and picked another paper from the hat, eying the razor blades from one of the chemistry experiments just in case there were two "modulation" experiments in there. I pulled out a paper, the teacher easing the razors out of my arm's reach, and slowly opened it. Hmm. Something about sound waves. Cool. I walked over to the experiment, looked at the instructions and had time to find the base frequency of one of the tubes and answer one of the 14 questions before the teacher told me that that was good enough, and it was time to leave. Apparently he was tired of being there so long too, and couldn't wait an hour for me to finish the experiment. I gladly gave him my test and helped him carry some stuff down to his car, through the eerie quietness of the abandoned school. And then I took a taxi home, walked two billion miles from the road to our house, went to my room, and died. Stress can be very tiring, you know. I woke again around 10AM this morning, ate breakfast, brushed teeth, studied absolutely nothing, and wrote this. *long silence* ...oh, and I cured cancer. No, I'm afraid today has been thoroughly uninteresting. And so I shall now leave you with a link. Any link. This link. Bye!