Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Mission accomplished. Maybe. If I was lucky.

Hey. Finished the TP yesterday. What a joy. I was scheduled to do physics at 8:15 and then Biology at 10:15, so I went to school and waited in front of the slaughtering room patiently while no one came to give the test. Yep. A whole lot of nothing happening. I was getting pretty worried as it got around to 8:45 , when the physics teacher walked by. I asked him why we weren't getting started, and he looked at me kinda surprised and told me that they changed the schedule so that physics started at 10:15 because he had a class to teach from 8 till 10. WHAAT!!!?? So now I had a biology test and a physics test at the exact same time!!  Yep. So I did what any other person who has just studied cellular biology all night would do. I separated myself through mitoses into two identical copies of myself, therefore increasing the world's coolness factor by half, and took the tests. Or I would have done this, if I hadn't just spent the night studying Physics as well, and therefore known that two of myself at the same place and at the same time would cause a critical mass of awesomeness, causing a sub-nuclear chain reaction which would then in turn cause the entire continent of Africa to implode.

And make small children cry. Sometimes I curse these shocking good looks and my in
credible wit. If only the world was built to withstand them. Well, this left me in quite a bind, so I went to the school secretary's office to see what we could do to fix the situation, and found out that everyone's schedule had thoroughly been screwed up and changed without telling anyone, even the teachers. I love my school. Well, I got that cleared up, finding that instead of going through physics first, I was actually going to be the last one, going at around 12AM. And the last shall be first. I got to stress the two hours between then and my Biology test, took it, and had to draw what I saw with a microscope of a follicle in a rabbit's ovary. Yay. Went pretty good I think: I can draw OK. Got out at 11, the TP's taking an hour each. I would like to say that I waited an hour until 12 and then took my physics TP, but not only was the schedule messed-up, but when I got out, around 10 ppl were still waiting to do physics. Hmm. Now I know this wasn't a math test, but it was pretty obvious that I wasn't going to be doing my test at 12. I ended up waiting until 2PM to start, the whole stupid thing having gone into 2 hours of overtime. The stress was crippling, too. I mean, waiting for five hours to do the things when you were only expecting to wait one hour isn't easy. So I was the last one, everyone else having gone before me, the small group of ppl waiting for the test dwindling until there was only me. The school deserted of life, nothing moving. Even noises sounded muffled, my readjusting myself on the bench sounded like it was happening underwater. So I waited. And waited. So quiet. Colors looked washed out even, as if the recent rains had blurred the gigantic painting of mountains in the distance. Quiet. Finally the door opened to find me asleep on the small bench, my head pillowed on my backpack. I awoke with a start. Jeez that took a really long time. I went into the room filled with strange beakers and lasers and radios for the different experiments. No one was left in the room, even though four people were supposed to take the test at a time, each doing a different experiment. Where did they all go? Had I slept longer than I thought? The room was dark so that the laser experiment could be done easier, making the room seem gloomy. Only one of the teachers was left because there was no one else taking the test left to supervise. So I reached into the hat with the papers written with the name of the experiment I would do on them, and pulled out the most horrible one I could imagine getting. "La Modulation". NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It has something to do with taking a weak frequency signal and multiplying it with a signal of a stronger frequency to send it over long distances. The equations were horrendously complicated ( to me at least ). The teacher, presumably shocked by my scream, told me to pick another out of the hat. Whew! Saved. I stepped back from the ledge of the third story window, and picked another paper from the hat, eying the razor blades from one of the chemistry experiments just in case there were two "modulation" experiments in there. I pulled out a paper, the teacher easing the razors out of my arm's reach, and slowly opened it. Hmm. Something about sound waves. Cool. I walked over to the experiment, looked at the instructions and had time to find the base frequency of one of the tubes and answer one of the 14 questions before the teacher told me that that was good enough, and it was time to leave. Apparently he was tired of being there so long too, and couldn't wait an hour for me to finish the experiment. I gladly gave him my test and helped him carry some stuff down to his car, through the eerie quietness of the abandoned school. And then I took a taxi home, walked two billion miles from the road to our house, went to my room, and died. Stress can be very tiring, you know. I woke again around 10AM this morning, ate breakfast, brushed teeth, studied absolutely nothing, and wrote this. *long silence* ...oh, and I cured cancer. No, I'm afraid today has been thoroughly uninteresting. And so I shall now leave you with a link. Any link. This link.  Bye!

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