Wednesday, March 15, 2006

On deaths in the family.

Yo people! Evenin'. This post started out it's life as a comment on my good friend Alex Rhen's blog ( link to the right ) about why I haven't been keeping in contact with most of ya'll. After I was finished writing it I figured it was more of a comment on me, and had no place as a comment on someone else's blog (Plus it would have been a pretty freaking long comment!).

This post is dedicated to you Alex, if it wasn't for the memory of your friendship I probably never would have got it all out.

Oh, and seriously dude, I haven't been trying to avoid you or anything and I am ashamed that I made you feel that way. No, you are in good company with everyone else I ever knew before Christmas 2005, and you are definitely not the only one who has wondered just what the heck was going on with me. My parents even went so far as to actually call from guinea ($$Cha-Ching$$) when I never answered or sent them any emails.

And really, even I'm not actually sure what's going on with me. At first I thought I wasn't doing email or chats anymore because talking to my family again would force me to admit they were actually gone. Ignoring everyone else was just collateral damage.
But then my parents called.
And we talked.
And although it was probably the happiest day I've had this semester, I still couldn't send any emails or sign into that chat program. And I'm not sure why. I would try to start emails, but the words would never come, the send button was never pressed, AIM was never logged into.

So as far as I can tell ( and obviously I can't tell very far ), I am just going through a readjustment period.
Going to college changed me. And I'm not yet certain how I should feel about those changes.
Perhaps I need to reaffirm my identity on my own, by myself, without the confusion of interacting with people who know me and have their own ideas about who I am. Talking with my old crew would be like looking at myself in a funhouse mirror: what I really look like is distorted and bent by the weight of our long association, when first impressions were made and memories accumulated.

Wow. You are the first person I've tried explaining it to, and it really felt great to get that all off my chest. Ha ha. I don't know what I'm doing writing it all as a comment on your blog though, it's kinda huge...
You know what, forget the comment! I think I WILL post this on my blog! Lol. Sorry! Hope you read it there!

So there it is folks, the whole sordid affair. Explaining it there I felt a weight I didn't know existed lifting off me. Oh, I still feel guilty for practically shunning everyone I've known or loved. Indeed, I feel hella guilty. But at least I have tried to explain my reasons why, and now that I've heard them myself, and I know that they actually exist, I can understand it. Almost.

My, my, what a messed-up puzzle I am.

O-kay. I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through a rough time getting adjusted. I'm sure your specific situation is different, but remember: I've had to go through the same deal, so I would like to help you if I could. Anyway, thanks for commenting, and it's good to know you're okay.
Yeah, it's wierd. I gotcha on that. Don't really understand it myself. I'm not having that much trouble getting ajusted with things here though, it's more like I'm having trouble reajusting myself with how things used to be. Or something. Hmm. Not sure. But yeah, thanks for the comment, oh and my grand parents keep on telling me you called but somehow I always miss it... odd... Try calling sunday afternoons or something... yeah.
Wow now that I re-read it, that post was really deep and serious and it freaks me out.
John, you are such a funny guy. Haha. Well, your comments about running away from the post... not the actual post. That was deep and insightful. I got what you mean... although I definetly have not gone through seperation from family and friends like you have. Nope. But I do sometimes feel like people won't let me change... so making new friends seems like the esier thing to do. But if the old friendships are still open... I wouldn't want to give up on them. But there is also a time to move on I guess... I don't know. I'm only what? 17? For some reason I want to say 16... maybe because I was 16 for a whole year. :-D haha.

Well, I am indeed amazed at the awesome job you have done posting this month. Keep up the good work! :-D If you can...
Youre traumatising me into staying in GUinea 4 the rest of my life.

Anyways hang in there John.

Joel S
Don't worry John - we still love and miss you. Remember the boo-ya thing? I was thinking about that the other day and laughed. :-) Thanks for updating when you can! :-) It seems like everyone has said this ... but I guess I will go ahead and say it too. My life is completely changing, too. Without Dobbs, everything gets screwed up. Sometimes I don't want to write people because I just don't feel like talking about it. I know that shocks you since I write you all the time, huh? :-) Seriously, awesome post. Very deep. :-) But glad you got it off your chest ... my future looks a little scary, too. :-) And hey! It's a PROVEN fact that we have the most psychological problems??? Sweetness. I feel better already. :-)
JOHN!!!! Help! This is the only way I coud figure out to communicate with you, or anybody.MY GMAIL WON'T LET ME ON!!! I also can't access my personalized google site!!! WHAT HAPPENED???? CAN ANYBODY TELL ME??? I AM COMPLETELY CUT OFF FROM THE WORLD! I CAN'T EVEN GOOGLETALK!!!! ARRRGGHHH!!!....ahem. Well, It WOULD be nice if you could post something on this blog, telling me how to fix my great dilemma,PLEASE?? thanks!
Hi, me again. I suppose I should actually use this comments page for what it's actually for. : )
I really thought that what you said was a really cool thing to say, and I'm glad you said it! It was real deep. ; )
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