Thursday, August 03, 2006

Weih knot?

Nothing is working. I hate the internet and especially my blog. I spent all this time on it and it's still not the way I want it to be. I'll get it in the end. IT SHALL PAY!

Example of not workingness:

. `:
: : .
__.'_ .' :
_.--' `-._.'
.-'.. .. `.
: .-. .--.`. :
: : : : : :
: :`;; :`; ; :
`.`O;' `O;.' :
.' .---. .--. ;
. : '._ :' ;
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.': `. ``` `. :-'
: : `-.__ ._ _.'
: ; : ;```
: `. _.-.' . ``-._
: `.-' : : `-.
: _.: ` `-._ `,
`._.-' ; `.`-. ;_, _.,
: `.: ;' ;-' ;
: ``.___.' :
: ;_..--'
`. ;
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: : :
jgs :-:__;
: : :
.-~~~--..__: : :___..---..
.'.' : `,
:,' : `; ;
`: _.'`._ :,'
`~~~'----'' `'-.____....'

That was supposed to be tweety bird in ASCII art.

I taut I saw a blog post! I did, I did!

Oh wait, it t'aint so; it was jus' random ASCII art.

__ __ __ _
/ \ / \ / \ | |
| |____| | / /\ \ | |
| ____ | / /__\ \ | |
| | | | / ____ \ |_|
\__/ \__/ /__/ \__\ 0
Humph! It didn't work for me either! :-P

It made me mad. Be ready to pay!

`__``` __ ``````__ `````_
/ `\ `/ `\ ````/ `\ ```| |
|` |__| `| ```/ /\ \ ``| |
| `___ ``| ``/ /__\ \ `| |
| `|` | `| `/` ____ `\ |_|
\__/ `\__/ /__/ ```\__\ 0

Ok... its more decrative than I wanted... but maybe this time it will work.
Ha! That time you could read it! Yayayay! OK. ya. good luck!
Wow MB, that was incredible!
I am mucho impressed!
It looks like the blogger software gets rid of extra spaces, but you made it work good!
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