Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Prancing nougat through the meadows.

This video takes a while to pay off, but stick through it to the end and you will have seen the worst Price is Right contestant do her stuff. Bob barker can't believe it. (That's his name, right?)
Straight from the headlines of Digg.

In other news...

In other news, I am excited. Yes, I am excited because my blog hosting site of choice (Blogger) is updating the whole shebang. This blog post explains the new changes better if you are interested.

What does this mean for you, the faithful reader of this fantastic internet publication of worldwide renown?

(The world. Thats right.)

Well, now I can make the blog look pretty for you, easier, and I can also finally do some tagging of mein posts, meaning that you can look through the entries by categories that I assign them in the sidebar, categories such as "Review", "Daily life", or my favorite tag, "How much I hate Stan Lee's 'Who wants to be a superhero?'".
Which I do hate. A lot. But you knew that. And you might be sick of hearing me say it. But I have truth written on my very bones, and I would rather say nothing at all than lie, and if I said nothing then I wouldn't be writing this, would I?

AHA! My logic is infallible.

Also, if you knows the RSS, then you might profit from being able to suscribe to a feed of all the comments made on my blog, meaning that you could sit there in your chair and have a doohicky pop up and tell you when I, or someone else, has responded to the comment you made on my blog. Or somesuch.

But mostly, the update just rocks for me, the blogger user. Now you can edit templates with click and drag elements, and instead of republishing your blog after every change, you don't. You just don't. Not necessary. Which is awesome. Fantastic. Yay!


Well, that is QUITE ENOUGH for me today, me is going to sleep now. Night!

Well, I for one am happy that blog is changing it's stuff. Not that I didn't like your old one or anything. ;-) I'm reading the Truce at Bakura and can't really seem to get into it ... is it good? I guess I am addicted to Timothy Zahn.:D
Dah! Is the Truce at Bakura good? It is awesome! I loved it! Is it good! Well you will be happy to know, John, that what with email postings, I have returned to the lightside of blogging. Blogger definitely rocks and I have gotten over my xanga craze. :-) Oh yeah...Katie you got to get a blogger account!
hahahahhaa! oh my goodness! that show was... oh my goodness! wow. haha. Goonight. Sleep tight.
Yes blogger is fantastic! So many good things.

Here is what you do Katie:

1) You get a blogger blog (easy as clicking here, choosing a user name, password, and blog name; no wait for email confirmation, just go.)

2) Then set up an email adress to post on your blog (easy, just click on the email tab, and choose an adress)

3) Then, everytime you send a new Random Ramblings on Random, all you have to do is add that email adress that you chose onto the mailing list,

4) and POOF! you have your own no-maintenance blogger blog, no need for annoying word verification if you don't want, and you can easily recieve comments from anyone who has an internet connection, not just other xanga users.

I like it, at least. ;)

I know I read Truce at Bakura, but I can't really remember if it was any good or no... Believe Jonathan! He never lies!

I must go comment on your blog now that you're posting on it again Jonathan! Yay!

'Night MB. Hey, are you okay MB? I only ask because you are usually hyper bubbly in your comments, and in a couple of recent ones you seemed tired or something!

Are you working really hard at quizing? Oh noes! :) I did that once and really couldn't handle all the work in addition to homeschooling, so I just became a terrible quizer.

Except we called it Bible Bowl! Which is a less descriptive, but slightly cooler name, in my humble opinion.

It is always cool to get a comment from you Mary Beth, no matter how long (or crazy!) it is ;) , I was just hoping everything was okay with you!
Oh, and after trying to switch my blog over to the new Beta version, I can no longer post on my blog.

Darn it.

But I can comment!

Seriously, I am locked out of posting on this blog anymore.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
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