Thursday, August 10, 2006

I am not too tired to make a real blog post today.... maybe.

Greetings true believers!

I am now going to wash my mouth out with soap, because it has dared to utter Stan Lee's once respectable catch phrase, which, thanks to his horrendous new reality show, is now synonymous with awkward and humiliating psychological torture.

I just got finished watching the third episode of Stan Lee's "Who wants to be a Superhero?", and this time I couldn't even make it all the way through. I hate this show!

Why do I keep on watching it then, you ask?

Well, when you have a deep-set and ferocious hatred of something, an emotion like the one Stan Lee's murder of my respect for him (and by extension my favorite superheros) has caused me to feel, you begin to want to hold on to that hate; nothing could make you feel more vindicated in your hatred than seeing the object of your disdain continue doing the things that made you hate it in the first place. Therefore you actually end up loving to hate something.

I just blew your mind, didn't I.

Treat your mother right.

I talked to my Mom on the phone a couple of days ago, and she let slip that all my "I am too tired to write a real blog post today" entries were actually pretty cheap posts. And, of course, she was right. Which is why I didn't post for two days in a row; I was really a bit too fatigued to make a good post.

You must remember that Momma always knows best, and especially don't forget that Mr. T pities the fool that don't treat his Momma right!

Your momma is a genius! :-D Yep! And yes I was going to ask you why you kept watching the show... wow! you read my mind before I even thought it! Scary. And then you blew my mind. The scarriest part of the whole thing is... well... um... I don't know.
Haha MB, yeah, the scariest part is that you don't know what the scariest part is, and that is terrifying!

Sorry for blowing your mind like that without warning, though. :)
hey yo dude
were hanging there
booh hoo ur not at our field forum
Yeah jon
know what u mean
it sux
makes me sad
want to go back to guinea
stupid school
o weel
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