Wednesday, July 05, 2006

World Jump Day

World Jump Day

NO no no nononononononono NoOOoooOooOOOooo!

Why is it that I always start these things 10 minutes after I should have gone to bed! Why?
I'll tell you why.

It's because of my unerring sense of environmental duty, that's why. How do you think I could sleep knowing that eskimos everywhere will soon be driven homeless by a ruthless sun that thwarts all their attempts for shelter in rapidly melting igloos? What man could rest when in the near future the closest thing to ice skating we will be able to get will be slushy sludging? How would you even rate such an event? Ten point oh for the triple lutz to belly flop? One shivers to consider it; a soon to be rare event in a world where no cold weather will exist to cause said shivers.

I am speaking of course of global warming. But there is a solution!

Here's the plan: the earth is getting too much sun and making the baby penguins sad, right? Okay, so what we do is move the planet farther away from the sun, therefore making it cool back down a little, and the little children can eat their ice cream cones without fear of instant meltage.

But how could we possibly accomplish such a feat, short of using the help of Superman himself?

By the power of teamwork! (Didn't you ever listen to captain planet?) We combine our special powers of mass and adherence to the laws of gravity, and we jump.

At the same time.

...shifting the earth's orbit only by fractions, however, the positive effects can easily be seen in the graph.

The earth will be saved.

Of course you would need the coordinated efforts of at least 600.000.000 people to pull it off, but hey, they already have 585.345.294 participants signed up and registered to go.

The scheduled date is exactly two weeks from now, so go to the site and enter your time zone to get the exact hour and minute you should heroically pound your sneakers on the ground; not just for the sake of the planet but for your children, and your children's children.

I'm going to do my part to save the ozone layer; will you?

Remember planeteers: THE POWER IS YOURS!

Um john exactly at what time in the morning will you be jumping at? Like 6am or something like that?
Do u even wake up that early!
Your passion is amazing. Your conviction is... well, sounds, sincere. They really should higher you to be one of those advertizing people. I mean... even if people think what you're saying is stupid they'll at least get a laugh out of it. ;-) :-D hahaha.
hi m8ey
thanks for the comment on my blog. i don't know if this will make any difference. as a society, have we truly grown as lathargic about our environment as the media makes out, too much effort to campaign and boycott certain brands and businesses who are destroying God's green earth. if so then surely just jumping isn't too much to ask people, is it?
happy jumping! and i'll see you on the new travectory.
drop by anytime.
Yours in Him
Thursday, July 06, 2006

National News

John W. W. The Hacker Strikes Again

For the 12th time in 5 weeks, the US Government's computers have been broken into. All 12 attacks happened to different systems and servers within the government. What sets these attacks apart is the evidence left behind. "We do know that the hacker goes by the alias, John W. W.. And, each attack has disrupted service for an average of 5 hours. This has added up to a total loss of nearly 18 million dollars due to system repairs and upgrades." Said Dr. Richard Marciniak, lead technical engineer for the US Government.
The attacks are far from average. The hacker logs into the system and plants a virus. The virus then spreads across the system, altering every file very slightly. These changes can throw off huge calculations in government funds, allocated resources and many more critical areas of the government.
Government officials are looking into the hacker alias, John W. W. and are getting close to finding the origins of the attacks. The hacker is facing an estimated 70 years in prison and enormous fines.

Just a joke =)
Hope it put a smile on your face.
Interesting ...
*GASP!* Oh wow! You missed a day! How can life go on? How will we survive without our daily dose of "getting in on the John"? What is this world coming too?!?

And how on earth did you manage to keep up with that so well?!?!?! 13 days in a row! Awesomeness!

Oh No what can wo do without daily news from JOHN =(

Oh and I was being a little toungue-in-cheek with this post, sorry that it wasn't obvious.

I can't really figure out a for-sure way that jumping wouldn't work; but common, even if it was a bald faced lie it is an interesting idea!

Just the fact that they have had so many people sign up for it sounds a little odd to me, I am pretty sure that it is a hoax, but, hey, I am going to jump just in case anyway!
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