Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comedy Central -- timesuck?

Here I am, yet again clickity-clack typing up another completely fantastalicious blog post.

I am slightly tempted to end it there, like I did yesterday, but I think I have already written too much for an accurate duplication of it's effect. Sad.

I blame my recent absences on my sister, and the hilarious distractions that are comedy central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (genius) and The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert (the "t"s are silent) which both air in the hour before my bedtime, and that is when the blogging fairies usually plant sugarplum blog posts on my site. But mostly it's my sister's fault.

If you are hip with the interwebs you've probably already seen this (Peter), but this is a prime example of Daily Show hilarity. Me and my sis were rolling on the ground. (I trust you can handle the dash and sprinkle of naughtiness.)

And for a sample of Colberts deadpan humor, look no further than the clip below. Or actually, try this 30 minute one as well.

They are amazing, and so are you. Good night America.


fantastalicious ... awesome word.
Comedic New.... I love that!!!!

Especially the Daily Show
I'm going to have to wait to watch the movie clips, which I'm sure are awesome, simply because I don't think the people in the office (mainly the people they're talking to on the phone) would appreciate it. haha. So tonight I will leave a more educated comment. :-D Impressive. I'm the 3rd person to comment today! Sweet!

Oh ya John... you could try to higher me to blog for you, but you couldn't afford my prices. ;-) jk jk jk! Naa... we'd just miss your posts.
Oh wow! hahahahaha! I was thinking why is he taking such huge bites? I could never do that and then he gets brain freeze! hahahahahaha!!! That was sweet. And now I know that the internet is not like a dump truck. hahaha.
I watched the half hour clip. Oh my goodness... that is so hilarious. The nerve endings... hahaha! I believe in America. I believe that it exists. :-D Yep!
yo, John good stuff with Stewart and Colbert. I have a blog too...
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