Friday, July 07, 2006

5 minutes to make the most incredible post ever made in the entire history of the known universe.

5 minutes? Ha ha. I have completed entire English papers in less time!

And the grade I received on those papers is irrelevant to my point, which is, uh... I can make stuff up really fast.

So prepare to be amazed!

My apologies

Some of you have already noticed that I missed yesterday's post, and frankly I am surprised no one broke the glass panel, pulled the alarm, and deployed a SlapMe! link in the comments.

I realize that this is probably because no one wanted to go through the tedium of browsing the archives for the link to the SlapMe! picture, what with the only compensation being the hollow delight of slapping me on the wrists (or rather, on the face) for denying you a post that, lets be blunt here, probably wouldn't have been that great anyways.

Be that as it may, the truth is that I must rely on your help to keep me posting regularly, in the absence of a willpower to call my own.

And so to humbly aid you in your most gracious task I have put the slapMe! code in the sidebar where it can easily be cut-and-pasted into your comment, and cleverly disguised as something I would never suspect!

So, next time I miss a day, slap away, and keep me regular.

Be my blogging Metamusil.

Good excuse.

About the actual missed post itself, I have an excellent reason for not making it, and that reason is that me and my sister spent that entire evening with Steve and Julia Dirks!

It isn't often that I get to hang out with someone I know from Guinea, so when I found out that the Dirks were going to stop by here on their way from one end of the USA to the other, I was ecstatic. The evening was great, we ate dinner together, rented a movie, stayed up late watching it, and generally spent most of our time talking and laughing, which was a nice change from how I usually spend my evenings; laughing and talking to my computer. I was quite saddened when the evening came to an end, and not only because it was late and I had to get up for work in the morning. Being MKs from the same country gives you so much in common to talk about, and it gets lonely not being able to speak to people who understand the things that you invariably learn by being an MK.


I believe Mary Beth said that I made it 13 posts in row before I missed that one fateful day, and the unlucky implications made by this number are unacceptable. Therefore I am currently devising a plan to rectify my lapse in routine posting. I will let you know tomorrow if my plan has succeeded or failed, in the meantime I must figure out a way of producing 1.21 jigawatts (Great Scott!) of electricity.

Wrap up.

And there you have it. An entire post pulled out of thin air and based entirely on the premise of not making a post. Impressive? Maybe. I am too tired to judge. Night!

oh my goodness! well, spending time talking to PEOPLE rather than a COMPUTER sounds like a rather good thing to me. :-) If you missed two days in a row John, I would have deemed you worthy of that slap. One day I can forgive though. ESPECIALLY since it was spent in such a worthy manner. If you had spent the evening at home talking to your computer you would be foolish and crazy. We already know for sure about the crazy part... ;-)
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