Sunday, June 25, 2006

Stop trying to hit me, and hit me!

Hello everyone! I have decided to knuckle down and start writing on my blog daily. Impossible you say? You are quite possibly right.

B-bu-but I have a plan!

If ever I miss a day, just include this html link in your comments (Copy/Paste):

<a href =""> Decoy text.</a>

and then disguise it by changing the "Decoy text." part to something I would never suspect! So then I see the link, click on it knowing not what fate has in store, and BAM!

I get a face-full of the palm of your hand!

(Metaphorically speaking, of course.)

So is that brilliant or what? I'll say it is. Teehee. I have no idea what we're planning for me...

oh well.

Go before you go.

In other news, never ever use a porta-potty in Japan. If I ever visit that country I am going to hold it the whole time, two weeks, a month, whatever, as long as I can avoid this kind of stuff.
It's not in English, but no language skills are required to understand the universal language of horror.

Oh. My. Goodness.

You know what, "Goodness" just doesn't have the impact of "God" but I was taught not to take the lord's name in vain, you know, to save it for the important times and all, but using "goodness" in replacement makes me sound like a 9 year old school girl. And saying "Oh. My. Gosh." sounds like I'm a 9 year old school girl in a black and white TV show from the fifties. *Sigh* Et tu Beaver?

I can not win.

But at least I don't have to go to the bathroom in Japan.

Hey John, I see you got your video from You Tube.I like to download stuff from youtube. I found this plugin for firefox at It is so coolbecause it will give you the download link 4 almost any movie or clip

Oh. My. Godzilla.

I have been slapped!



For no good reason too. *Sniff* That is terrible negative reinforcement. But just to show you there are no hard feelings, I know which extension you are talking about from reading your blog, and it's good, but you can find a better one on the firefox extensions page here.

Happy video downloading Joel!
Hehehehehe. Yay another slap. Oh no ive clicked on the link so many times that nowmy screen is full of slapped johns. Yay
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! oh MY GOODNESS!!! WOW! Ahhh!! That is really... scary.

HEY! I'm not a 9 yr old school girl! but I use Oh my goodness all the time. :-P ;-) and I'm glad you don't have to go to the bathroom in Japan. I'd suggest finding a tree or some woods before using one of those things! *shudders*

Yeha Marybeth, that video gave me many nightmares, just imagine that stuff happening to you, especially the last part where you could tell the guys couldn't even understand what was happening to them. Hilarious! In a terrifying sorta way.

Oh, and did you see? I found a more manly replacement for Oh My Goodness: OH. MY. GODZILLA.

How cool is that?
I didn't finish watching the video... I got the idea after the first two people. hahaha.

Oh My Godzilla! Hmmmm... maybe I should say Oh my Big Foot! ;-) jk jk! haha You are definietly not lacking in creativty John!

one of my Missionary friends from Guinea would say, "Oh my lands" it was pretty neat. haha
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