Thursday, June 01, 2006

Music. Sleep. S'all good.

Pandora - Find New Music, Listen to Custom Internet Radio Stations

pandora knows your soul

Hello once again peoples! I am vury vury tired today, because as you know, I am quite a busy man, what with my important job, and, all.
MORE COMMAS!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !!!!
HEEHEEHAHAHAHA! MOOORE!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HIHIHIHIHIHAHA!
Heh-heh. ... Whew. ...

Needless to say, if we consider my level of fatigue as being inversely proportional to the state of my sanity, I must be on the verge of collapsing into an extremely deep slumber.
  A slumber so deep I will spend millenia before awakening from it, the exeption of course being if I am kissed by a beautiful princess, in which case I will probably sit straight up, sputter, wipe my mouth, begin saying something like "Whatheheckwhy'dyoukissmeehhh...", I'd trail off after noticing that I'd been kissed by a beautiful princess, at which point I'd lay back down and pretend to be asleep again, and mutter "You almost got it that time, try agaaaiin..." while pretending to snore.

Start lining up now, princesses.

pandora knows your soul

At one time there was actually a point to this post, what was it?
OH YEAH! See that picture and that link all the way up there? They will take you to the awesome Pandora site! Why is it awesome you ask? Well how about you just chill a little bit, huh? I was about to tell you anyways!

Everyone likes music, but my tastes differ from your's and everyone else's. So how do I go about finding new music that I will love, without trudging through the garbage that lies between the rare gems on the radio stations?

This is where pandora comes in.

A crack team of experts have spent at least five years analysing over ten thousand songs, tearing them apart to find what makes them tick, their DNA, if you will. And then they made a radio station (Pandora) which not only is head and shoulders above alot of other radio stations with it's ability to pause and skip tracks, but you can also tell it that you like a certain song it played, in which case it will find and play others just like it, or you can tell pandora you hate a song, which will immediatly skip that song and then make sure you never listen to it again and that similar songs will be avoided.
In brief, after awhile you will have a radio station that plays only music that you like, and none of the music you don't. This way you will discover new favorite artists and songs, causing you to shake your bootay like never before.
It's great.

( Did I mention that I am tired? )

Click on the links, check it out, it is Macromedia Flash based, so you won't have to download anything, just click and start listening! Yay!

Also in the same vein of musical discovery is the Incredible whose products you can see in the sidebar, it is the gray thing that keeps track of what I listen to over there on the right. And unlike pandora, uses the list of tracks you actually listen to, so that it can match you with others who listen to the same songs and then find other tracks that you will enjoy. If you share 80% of your songs with another guy, the chances are you will enjoy the 20% you haven't heard. Also, is actually software that you have to download to use it, so... yeah. I am tired.

Okay people, I held on as long as I could. I am using a special firefox plugin to post this, so I am not sure it will work, but if you're reading this, then joy springs freely forever amen.
What the heck?? It's too late, my brain already left before me. Adios!

John you are my new best freind again... Dude I love the Pandora site!...

2000 Smarm
You gain several Moxie points.
What? This update has been here for five or six days and no one told me?

Anyways, you made me laugh. ;) I am off to check out that site.
my goodness John! (hey Kt, I didn't know he updated either! WOW! He should make an announcment or something. ;-) hehe) Anyway, John, you look sooooo pretty in that picture where you're kissing the frog... is the fish next? Cause you told the princessess to start lining up and the frog and the fish are as eager as ever! Sorry, couldn't resist. :-D hahaahaha!!!

AWESOME UPDATE!! And so crazy too! hhahahahaa!! Kt told me to check out the link so... I'm going to go do that.
OK so the site is really really really cool. It says I have to register and it says that it's free and I'm going to sound stupid asking this, but is it really free? I certainly hope so.
yeah its free and it works but the internet connection is too slow. I didnt have to register anything
Thanks, Joel. Mine didn't make me register for a bit and then it told me I had to but I went ahead and did it. I've been showing the site to my family all day. Very cool!
SWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! John, as I have said before, your ability to find awesome free software online is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I've listened to internet radio before, but this... holy cow, this is a sign of God's love and nothing less. Hallelujah! You rock, as always.
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