Monday, June 26, 2006
Mmmm... Democracy.
Hokay. Here we go, Pandora is tuned in and set to a low crooning coming from the overhead intercom speakers, the seat back of my uncomfortable folding chair is set to it's full upright position, my cell phone has safely been turned off, and you might want to follow my example and oblige the "Seat Belt On" light.
Because it's time for me to land yet another awesome blog post on the tender runway of your heart. Let me know if it gets too... intense for you.
So you thought I wouldn't be able to make it posting just THREE DAYS in a row? Well I'll have you know that when John Wilkos makes a promise, he keeps it no matter what the cost to his sanity and/or personal hygiene. John Wilkos is a great (yet insane and foul smelling) guy that way.
And furthermore, when John Wilkos speaks about himself in the third person he means business darn it!
Who's up for hanging chad?
So the results are in on my "New Template" poll, and it looks like...
wait for it...
four more years of Oompa Loompa!
*Everyone reading the blog goes crazy, confetti, balloons, and streamers fall from the sky, patriotic band music starts playing.*
As you can see from the graphic we had a "2000 presidential elections"-like tie because of some last minute votes in favor of returning to the old template, however, further inspection of these last minute votes revealed several suspicious factors as to their legitimacy. For one thing they were all received within minutes of each other, when all the other votes were separated by days. For another thing, I happen to like this template so too bad for you. Not that your opinion doesn't mean anything to me. Au contraire mon frere, I value it lots, however I have not finished my renovation on my blog and you haven't yet seen it in it's full glory.
With many posts comes less time to perfect them, and it is officially past my bedtime everyone, so thank you for reading this humble post, and please comment below. Even if it is only to say: "Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d."
I can understand and accept such constructive criticism.
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Mwahahaha. I have a cool thing! In Guinea you almost always change IP adress wherever you go. Which let meput in as many votes as I had different IP adresses. HAHAH (evil genius laugh =)
Thus invalidating the poll=)
Thus invalidating the poll=)
"Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d." what on earth does that mean? Do I want to know?
I'm amazed with your updates John... quite amazing indeed!
I'm amazed with your updates John... quite amazing indeed!
Hehehe Joel, I actually knew it was you who voted so many times, useing my awesome internet skillz, but wasn't totally sure. I just figured that is what I would have done if I were still in guinea.
There are actually many ways to disguise your I.P. address, though, and I will describe one of them at the risk of giving you more ways of fooling the poll. :) The easiest I can think of is to use anonymous surfing through "The Cloak". Which just basically means that instead of going directly from your address to the web page you are looking at, the web page gives its information to the cloak, and then the cloak relays it on to you. It's pretty much just like using a proxy. Mmmmm... hacking.
Oh and MaryBeth, "Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d." is l337 speak, or leet speak, or elite speak. Basically people who are too lazy to type right, or who want you to think they are good with computers, write sentances by replacing letters with numb3r5.
To translate directly you can use this web site, but then leet words are usually misspelled as well, seeing as it is usually spoken in online games where you must type fast and mistakes are often made, but most of the time you can sound out a words' meaning: Joo = You.
So "Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d." Translates into: "My merriment expresses itself vocally. For it seems to me that your online journal is lacking in quality, you buffoon."
(Laugh out Loud. Your blog sucks, stupid.)
There are actually many ways to disguise your I.P. address, though, and I will describe one of them at the risk of giving you more ways of fooling the poll. :) The easiest I can think of is to use anonymous surfing through "The Cloak". Which just basically means that instead of going directly from your address to the web page you are looking at, the web page gives its information to the cloak, and then the cloak relays it on to you. It's pretty much just like using a proxy. Mmmmm... hacking.
Oh and MaryBeth, "Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d." is l337 speak, or leet speak, or elite speak. Basically people who are too lazy to type right, or who want you to think they are good with computers, write sentances by replacing letters with numb3r5.
To translate directly you can use this web site, but then leet words are usually misspelled as well, seeing as it is usually spoken in online games where you must type fast and mistakes are often made, but most of the time you can sound out a words' meaning: Joo = You.
So "Lolz. Joo bl0g sux st00p1d." Translates into: "My merriment expresses itself vocally. For it seems to me that your online journal is lacking in quality, you buffoon."
(Laugh out Loud. Your blog sucks, stupid.)
oh... I just realized you translated l337 for me. that basically made no sense until I got it. Imagine that! haha. I wonder if it will make dollars now... hmmm probably not. :-D
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