Tuesday, March 07, 2006
MMmmmmm. Sleep. Yuuuuuummmmmyyyy.
And no, posting this photo does not make me a girly man. I am just liberated from the male cultural stereotype, thats all.
Oh, and stupid. A vewy vewy stupid wascally wabbit am I.
Sorry I have been dead on the internet for a long time. Not my fault! Am busy.
So busy. Busy, busy, busy. Busy being stupid. Me = MORON.
Too late. Can't talk. Must sleep. Don't know why I'm posting this. Been longtime. Miss you guys.
Some other posts are in the oven. Real posts. Been too busy and too stupid and too tired and too lazy to light the burner in the oven and finish them.
Blasted classes. Blame them. Make me busy. Make me tired. And give me a chance for my stupidity and laziness to come to light.
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It is always good to hear from the John. It appears your blog is in need of cleaning. It is getting very moldy.
It is good that you are busy and have a life and all but we here in blog-land miss benifitting from your wisdom and suffering from you foolishness.
It is good that you are busy and have a life and all but we here in blog-land miss benifitting from your wisdom and suffering from you foolishness.
Yay!! Great to see you're still alive. Bet you're busy with college! From what I've heard and read... stupid isn't the greatest word to discribe you...
ok. Thanks for updating!!! :-D
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ok. Thanks for updating!!! :-D
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