Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Super dude!
Hey, check this out! This movie comes out on June 30th, and it will be the first "real" superman movie since 1987! That's like the year I was born! :) Hopefully this time he doesn't have to fly around the world really fast to make time turn backwards. Last time he did that I got really dizzy.
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Awesome! Well it would be if dial up ever finishes uploading the movie so I can watch it. Only problem is I am more a Batman or Spiderman fan than a Superman fan. Superman just has too many super powers and too few weaknesses. Now Batman actually has to use his brains and even Spiderman has many limitations but superman...well there doesn't seem to be much he can't do which makes him all the more boring for me. Still a superman movie might prove interesting.
Looks pretty cool...I am afraid that I am no expert on this subject...but hey! it still looks good! :-D
Ahhh, I will be in Guinea. Well, I guess that will just have to be another movie I see when it comes to the Freisses.
Hey, how did your first semester go? My semester is over as soon as I turn in this take home final. I hate take home finals. Actually, I hate finals of all kinds.
Hey, how did your first semester go? My semester is over as soon as I turn in this take home final. I hate take home finals. Actually, I hate finals of all kinds.
One question, is there such thing as an ex-MK? Isn't it more like "once an MK, always an MK?" I don't know. Well, I'm slowing dying, so I'm gonna go to bed.
Superman is awesome. :-D I didn't know a new movie was comming out. I love it when MK's are more knowledgable in what's going on in the states than me. :-D But it doesn't take much. haha.
Wow, this makes it three. DON'T LET THE MONTH OF DECEMBER GO BY WITHOUT UPDATING!! John!! Remember the pain you went through last time? DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN! AUGHH!! :-) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! :-)
John... I believe it would be most wise of you to update... apparently I have awesome powers to make people update upon my bidding... (awesome powers which alwasy surprise me when they actually work) so I have been requted to get you to update. I fear that if you don't update soon then people who wish to have an update from you will go to all their friends whom you have never met before in your life and may never met until Kingdom Come, and randomly bombard you with comments requesting you to update. Myself personally fear that I may have scared the daylights out of you already, and if I'm that scary (which Katie might be able to tell you I'm not too scary... haven't bitten anyone in her presence. ;-) hehe... only food) but me and my friends of which I have many, but few that would actually consider telling you to update.
Since I no longer know what I'm saying I will simply say UPDATE JOHN!!! Or else... please? Pretty please? With a big ol' cherry on top? and an ice cream sunday?
Since I no longer know what I'm saying I will simply say UPDATE JOHN!!! Or else... please? Pretty please? With a big ol' cherry on top? and an ice cream sunday?
Haha, you guys are great. Thanks for all the comments, Katie, Mary Beth, and Jess! It really brightens my day whole bunches.
On another high note, as you can see, I have posted anew. Even though it is pretty wimpy. At least I got in some original photoshops there to make up for the lack of substance.
On another high note, as you can see, I have posted anew. Even though it is pretty wimpy. At least I got in some original photoshops there to make up for the lack of substance.
I am very impressed with your update and glad that my crazy comments help brighten your day, rather than scare you to death. haha. Much better in my opinion. Yep.
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