Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I am cursed.

Alright everyone, if you were wondering perhaps why I haven't been emailing you or why I haven't been posting very often, here is the reason: MY EVIL SCHEDULE!!!
Clicking on that link will bring you to a page of horrors where you will be able to see what I'm taking and if you click on the name of one of the courses you will even be able to see the building that I have it in. Oh the horrors! And before you ask, I did not scream like a little girl when I found out how much work I would have to do.
Not at all.
My voice was too hoarse. So I just fainted.

Sigh. College is going to kick my derriere. Already I have around five really important things I have to finish today, not to mention going to class. CURSE YOU COLLEGE AND YOUR SLAVERY THINLY DISGUISED AS KNOWLEDGE!! CUURRRSSSSEEEE YYYOOOUUUU!!!!!!
Hmm. Well, I'm off to be slaughtered by Calculus I homework that I don't think will be done in time. Tell my parents that I died a proud death, rapidly completing problems all the way up to the deathline. Goodbye.

i love my classes... the are awesome... i hold pity on the poor freshman.... Dude..
wow, I feel sowy for u! oh, btw, peter told me to come here and look at ur site, VERY AWSOME!!!! um....... bye.........

Holy astonishment batman! With you two guys commenting, my blog's audience has just doubled! Yay! But for real, it seems like everyone else is taking an easy freshman year because they already have credits from highschool. Pitty me.

Oh, and Heather if you happen to read this, I tried to comment on ur site but it told me I needed to sign up first. Thx for commenting on a complete stranger's blog!!

And Peter, I like my classes too, there are just too many. Ze head eet exploses! Give me halo to reduce the swelling! Oh, wait, I forgot, they don't do videogames on this floor! CUUUURSE YOOOUUU FAAATE!!!!
Enjoy college, Little Buddy.
It looks like a pretty busy schedule. Actually, I think your schedule looks like fun. And then, after going to a French lycee anything they through at you in an American University for French should be pretty easy.
Et, même que la traduction n’est pas bonne et aussi drôle, ce n’est pas mal pour un ordinateur qui n’est pas vivant. Peut-être tu ferras mieux avec des ordinateur un jour. Study hard and we will see.
Oh, and the blog you thought would be the record shortest seems to only be the beginning of your ever shrinking blog.
Hey!! I'm honored! You mentionned me. College is so weird, and different from French school, don't you think? PS I love the translation!!
No videogames on your floor? Bummer. However, that means that you should just find out where they do have gamers and hang out there. Or... you could use the extra time you now have that you are not gaming in order to do your work so you can survive your first semester or college. I feel for you, my friend. Good luck, and never let the AIs see your stress, or they'll turn on you. I'll be praying for you.
Wow. I think that this is the most people to ever comment on the same post yet. So. Cool.

Hey Dwayne, yeah, I thought that my schedule was preeetty sweet the first time that I looked at it, I mean, on some days I only have three hours! What a laugh after having gone to school from 8am till 6pm three days a week, right? What nobody told me is that the professors here like to give you so much homework that they might as well just include a forklift to make it easier for you to carry back to your dorm room. I'M LOOKING AT YOU CALC I !

Hey Jess, thanks for reading the blog, and I sent you an email, so I hope you got it! And college is painfully different from french school. I mean, before, if I didn't show up for a test it just meant that that test didn't count on my report card. But here handing in homework is planed up to the minute, and I can no longer just ask the teacher for just one more day to do it, they just give you zeros. It makes me cry.

And Alex, how do you find ze gamerz exactly? Just follow the sound of fragging? Here at k-state there isn't even a real gaming group on facebook. And thanks for praying for me man. I'll be doing likewise. =)
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