Thursday, August 25, 2005
Booting up a new life.
Wow. I am at this very moment typing on one of the K-state 24 hour study hall's few open computers. It seems as if the independent college life has started for me today. My dad just dropped me off at the dorm, told me adios, and off he went, the sound of his retreating footsteps seeming to echo into the distance like the last page softly closing on the chapter of my life where I am under parental rule. Yeah, right. I sure am not paying for my college tuition. But it is kinda weird being able to go out and do the first thing that springs into my head without having to ask permission or notifying anyone. Yay independence!
Now if only I knew what I wanted to do...
Fortunately, my roommate seems like a really nice guy. And my room is not so bad. But this school's computer network was inspired by Hitler. Yes, there is a Nazi-like prohibition of file sharing programs on the school's network. I had to go through like an hour of installing "big brother's" software on my computer and had to pay 50 bucks before they would let me think of connecting. Now my every move on the Internet is watched and recorded by "The Man". But not to worry! I will resist! Fight the power!
Well, this will go down in history as the shortest post on my blog EVAR, because it is really weird typing with people looking over your shoulder. I mean literally. They are looking over my shoulder. Right now. No matter how many times I elbow them in the face they just won't go away. Of course, instead of spying on me, they could just be waiting for the computer... Nah. FIGHT THE POWER! FIGHT THE MAN!