Thursday, July 21, 2005

Where my wolf?

Oh. My. Goodness. Google has just done me great wrong. It was of course my fault for not reading the fine print, but I installed the new google toolbar for firefox without knowing that it would only work on XP systems. So my computer exploded every time I tried to open firefox up after the installation and I ended up having to uninstall firefox twice and deleting every extension when that didn't work, and finally, at 2 in the morning, it's back to normal. Why, you ask, did I not just use Internet Explorer to do email and fix the firefox later, at a more humane hour? Because I hate IE. My life could be in mortal danger from a virus that was downloaded into my mind which would cause my brain to explode in an hour and the only way to save myself was to get an antivirus from the internet and if the only browser available on the computer was internet explorer I would quickly write my will then rush off and try to get my head as close to Bill Gates as possible before it exploded in hopes that he might get injured in the explosion. Because I hate IE. So many better browsers out there, and everyone uses IE because Microsoft puts it in all their OS's. Evil. Evil evil. Mucho evil.

So sad. I actually had some interesting things to say before it became 2 AM. At midnight I become a big pile of uninteresting. About as interesting as... as... as the ceiling above you. I mean, look at it. Unless you're sitting in the sistine chapel, it's probably really, really boring. I stare at the wood tile ceiling above my bed every night for hours until I think I see faces looking at me out of the white painted plywood, and their expressions indicate that they're wondering why I've been staring so rudely ever since I got under the covers at 3 AM and why don't I just go to sleep? Stupid faces. Think they know everything. Now, if you were really surfing the net in the sistine chapel, the faces on your ceiling are probably less boring and more angelic. And not telling you to go to sleep. Stupid faces.

Oh, I just watched Underworld, and on a scale from one to ten I give it a rating of negative six taco supremes because of it's complete lack of Yoshi eggs. And I will not even attempt to explain what I have just said because I don't understand it myself. I don't mean to excite you, but it might be a prophecy of things that were, things that are, and things that have yet to come to pass. Anyway, Underworld is a movie about the war between vampires and werewolves which has apparently been going on for a millennium, and in the present day almost all the Werewolves have been exterminated by the vampires, a fact which disappoints the main character Selene, a vampiress Lycan hunter. ( Lycan = Werewolf ) There were several things that annoyed me in this movie, mostly the liberties they took with the lore of vampires and werewolves. I mean, I can deal with the idea that werewolves can now change their form whenever they wish back and forth, how else could they have cool fights if the Lycans only had their powers once a month? And it seems that silver bullets barely scratch them. In addition, apparently vampires can see their reflection in mirrors, and while they say that sunlight hurts them, there were lots of scenes in which they run around in day light and everything is cool. It is also always overcast in that city. Convenient. I can deal with such things in a monster crossover flic. They fight, it's cool. That's what they're there for. But the vampires in this movie could die from blood loss. They're vampires. If they don't have blood that just means that they're going to be a little hungry, not that they'll die! The vampires in the movie used their guns to shoot their silver bullets at the werewolves who then jumped on the blood suckers and bit them and the vampires died. I mean, the vampires had nothing very different from humans during this movie except that they had pointy teeth. Their special power seemed to be that they were able to stand in place and shoot at werewolves. That's pretty cheap. Stupid vampires. The plot had to do with intrigue and betrayal within the vampires and a plot to create a werewolf/vampire cross breed. Which actually turned out kinda neat. Summary of movie: not worth it, even if you like monster movies.

This Saturday I shall be at reentry camp. This camp serves to as a kinda refresher course on the American culture Which I used to know, but treats me as a stranger now. Should be... interesting... I hope.

Well, that will be all, Jeeves... I will now pass out and wake myself sometime tomorrow afternoon. Night!

Dear John;

Great post. You make me laugh.

I would like to direct you to a post I made regarding your original comment; "Google has just done me great wrong."

...It is my belief that Google is doing much greater wrong to you than you think!

Take a gander at "Evil and the Google Toolbar".


Keep on truckin.

Hey John! Someone else actually left a comment! That is cool! It must also be quite encouraging. Underworld sounds curious. I wouldn't know all the vampire stuff since you are the one who beat castlevania (do you still play castlevania?). I do know that werewolves shouldn't be able to appear when they wish. I agree that for a vampire to die of bloodloss is a little strange. Computers are so wierd sometimes. They actually have a new cartoon show that my brother likes called Megaman. The show is all about computer viruses that are pictured in the shape of monsters and the hero has this "net navi" which fights them off. To beat all the villains the hero downloads all sorts of weapons into the program and blasts the viruses deleting them instantaneously. I personally think the action is rather cheap. Not like batman. In batman the hero actually uses his head and batarang and swings down out of the shadows to stop a villain. In megaman fighting viruses is simply slapping a bunch of micro chip battle download weapons thing-a-ma-boppers into a portable computer to supe up your "net navi" and delete some viruses. They do have neat costumes. Batman is definitely better quality action though.

Yes Jonathan, this is indeed a ground breaking event.

Someone else has read my blog!!!

Oh, and thanks for the heads-up fester, if you happen to ever read this.

The show that Evan watches sounds like it was based on the Megaman Battle Network games that they came out with for GBA. Maybe Evan would like the game too?

But I agree, the action on those kid's anime shows is usually really cheap. Give me batman or spiderman or teen titans any day. =)
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