Wednesday, July 13, 2005
TV is my sensei.
On that note, I just saw StarWars III yesterday. Sweet movie. Too bad
most of the good parts were ruined for me already, sorta like what
happened with the Two Towers. "Yeah, Legolas kills an entire Oliphant
all by himself!" Would have been more impressive if I hadn't been
waiting the whole movie for him to do it. So I knew Anakin fought a
General Grievous who wielded four lightsabers, I knew Yoda visited
Chewie on his home planet, and I knew Darth Vader ended the movie by
going "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" ( Which was actually the comedy highlight of
the movie for me. It was just so unexpected to hear DARTH VADER
screaming like that. Hilarious. ) Other than all that, it's true what
everyone has been saying, it really is for sure the best of all the new
ones. The part that I liked the most was Palpatine's seduction of Anakin
to the dark side. I was expecting some sort of cheap "Anakin you like
power and are sometimes afraid, right!? The dark side is all about that!
So why don't you join in?". But ( stop reading here if you don't want to
know how it happens ) Anakin actually almost killed Palpatine when he
found out that he was the sith lord, and then Anakin went to turn him
in, and it wasn't like Palpatine was all nice one moment and then evil
the next, the whole movie you can sorta see him weaving the web of the
dark side for Anakin to fall into. Pretty well done. I have also heard
that "Revenge of the Sith" was the best StarWars movie EVAR, and while
it was very good, that's just blasphemy. I mean, Hayden ( Or whatever
the guy who played Anakin's name was ) alone earned the movie negative
fifteen gazillion coolness points. I just really did not at all care
about what happened to him in the movie. He just came across as a whiny
and gullible moron to me, but then again, maybe I'm being a bit harsh.
He did have cool evil sith-eyes at the end. =)
And while we're talking about movies, I really want to see Batman
Begins. From what I've heard, it's supposed to be the best Batman ever.
And I love Batman. I also want to see War of the Worlds which is also
supposed to be good. I wonder if it's the cold that gets them at the end
like in the book, or if they've changed it a little. I hope they have. I
hate knowing the ending before I see the movie.
Now would be a good time to inform you that my days have been spent
getting to know the TV so much better and deepening our relationship. My
mind and the telly have merged to become one cohesive unit. If you turn
the TV off, my mind goes with it. The real world is so overrated. I
mean, if the show "The Real World" is any indication, real life must
suck! Ah, reality TV. You know they're coming out with a reality series
based on the Williams sisters, and another based on the "Hulk" Hogan
family. Everyone's going to be entertained knowing every detail about
their lives, right? And a massive shock was felt through the force as an
entire galaxy shouted out in unison "I don't caaaare!" Reality
Television is reaching all-time lows right now. I mean, there is a show
about famous people losing weight. The prize is not being fat, I guess.
It's neat that it's a show where you play along at home with, though.
While the people on the TV work off their extra pounds, you gain them
sitting on your couch eating your delivery pizza and sipping your
mountain dew, and if your famous enough, preparing yourself to be a
contestant on the next season of the show. Boo-yah! On the flip side of
telly, though, I had the privilege of watching most of the first season
of Battle Star Galatica on scifi. That is an awesome show. You care
about what happens to the characters once you get to know them, and you
agonize over if they will survive the attack on the human race by the
Psylons. The story is basically this: Mankind has space travel and is
concentrated on a planet in the galaxy ( I'm not too sure as I missed
the first episodes ). They create robots, the robots decide to kill
humanity. Sounds familiar, I know. They pretty much succeed in their
goal, but around 500,000 people survive and escape on a ship called the
"Battle Star Galatica", which is wandering around the galaxy trying to
find earth and a way to defeat the robots. Meanwhile the humans are
infiltrated by agents of the Psylons who look just like the humans (
normally the psylons look like your classic metal robot with flashy red
eyes and laser gun arms ) and which are cloned so that a lot of
different versions can be slipped in with the humans at a time. Some of
the clones don't even know that they are Psylons, but just blank out
every once in a while and sabotage stuff and get really freaked out
about it. One of the characters has a psylon in his mind for some reason
that I missed, who is actually this evil blonde chick who gives the guy
advice and talks to him and no one else can see her, her advice making
him seem like a genius to the other survivors, quite despite himself.
None of this stuff is the reason that the show is good, however. It is
the great writing, and interactions between characters feel realistic
and really interesting. It's filmed with a sort of "shaky camera" kinda
thing going on, to give it a "real" feeling, as well, although some
times I got tired of the jumpy zooming. Find a lens focus you like and
stay there, for the sake of all that is John! Battle Star Galactica
comes with a big "John's Stamp of approval" redeemable where ever fine
goods are sold.
"One" with the TV.
Oh, and you can now post comments on my posts no matter who you are now!
Just click on that comment button and tell me what you think! I demand
it of you! Be forewarned, I have powers not accessible by the normal
Jedi methods! And they include being very sad if you do not comment on
my posts from now on! Just do it! Quench your thirst for feedback! Can
you hear you hear me now? Good. Because there is good news. I saved a
bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to anonymous commenting
I "am" the TV.
You might possibly have wished to know my first impressions upon
arriving in the USA. It's too late for those. I wrote them all down
directly online, but before I could post them, my computer froze, so all
that extreme writing time was lost instantly and forever, and besides,
I can't remember anything before the last commercial break now. I break
up all my conversations into ten minute periods punctuated by three
minutes of screaming meaningless drivel into your face before I resume
normal conversation. Of course I stop talking right when I get to the
interesting parts so that you won't run away during my commercial breaks.
I hate TV.
No! Wait! I'm sorry TV, I didn't mean it really! No, I'll watch you all
day tomorrow, don't worry. Poor, sweet teevee-weevy. Yes, more of the
mind-bendingly unoriginal programs, please! I just can't get enough.
Well it's getting to be about that time again, the pause in TV watching
where I close my eyes and /dream/ about watching TV for a couple of
hours before starting right up again tomorrow. I miss all my friends who
aren't here with me now, which makes all of you guys. COMMENT ON THIS
Darth Vador and his Noooooo!, check out the inside scoop on his
screaming habits here. Salut!
[EDIT:To my great embarassment, I think psylon is actually spelled Cylon. Ops.
Your fellow MK,
the Jonathanitor
Hey John, I'm liken' your blog. It's almost like being there chatting with you.
Your M... (sadly missing the K) friend,
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