Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What Jedi am I, and internet thoughts I talk about. *Beep-boop*!

Hey. I figured it was about time I wrote a good long meaty post, after posting like a billion images the past couple times. The good news is that all those images pushed the embarrassing entries off the end! Yay! I am free of them! And, no, you can't click on the archives to read them. Why? Because I said so. Don't do it. Or I'll sic my wookie on you.
Hehe. That test that I took that told me I was Han Solo, well I kinda cheated on the answers to get him. I mean, when they asked me my weapon of choice I just checked "Blaster" instead of "lightsaber", mode of transportation was "Millennium Falcon" etc., etc.. When I was answering the questions truthfully, I was actually Yoda. Sweet. But his caption was "900 yrs old and I can still f*** you up." And this site is rated G, so I couldn't put that one here. Ditto with the second time I did it for real. Mace Windu. Can't remember the caption but there was a four letter word somewhere in there. Yoda and R2-D2. Dang, in all the tests I've taken, I'm always a tiny character with strange speech patterns. Mmm! Just like real life it is! Muppet's voice I do have. Mmmm! And I also make lots of beeps and whistling noises, just randomly. I mean, I'll just be there and someone will say something sad and I'll go: "Tweeeetttooooo." And they'll be like "What?" And I'll be like "I said that's a bummer man." And then they'll say "Oh! "Tweeeetttooooo"! I thought you said "Tweettertaaaaaa"!" Which will strike me as funny and I'll be like "Dude! Why would I say I was hungry!" And then he'll be like "Dude! That's what I was wondering! I was like: "Tweetertaa"? Why the heck is he saying "Tweetertaa"? Does he want me to pass the bag of Doritos or something?" And we'll laugh and go back to reading the Star wars language guide, getting out our thick plastic rimed glasses from our pocket protectors. Whee! ( I don't really actually own a pocket protector, or wear glasses, but I would, if ppl thinking that I was a geek actually made me intelligent. )
Jeez. Today was a most wonderfully day off from school, in the honor of the U.O.A. the "Union Ouest Africain" which I heard was started by the old dictator of this country, Sekou Toure. Yep. My last day of vacation until I go out with a bang at the end of the year with the BAC. Only two weeks left now. TWO WEEKS!!!! And I used this day to play PING-PONG and write THIS!! YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Internet ( This site mainly ) has become a pestering distraction from my studies. I think I'll make like Darth Vador and crush it's windpipe with my mind. Or just stop spending so much of my time with it and it's informational goodness. I mean you can really find ANYTHING here, books, movies, music, jobs, relationships, almost any information possible, all here, on the Internet. You just have to know where to find it. I'm here mostly for those first three, I mean all I do is search for games, books, etc.. and download them, and most of the time I don't even play the games, read the books, or even listen to the music, I just search and download, search and download, until my harddrive gets full and then I erase some of the bigger files and start back up again. I guess I could get in trouble for it, but really, none of the methods I use are illegal. I'll post some tutorials sometime, about how to use mIRC to download manga and anime and books and stuff. You know the RIAA is fighting a losing battle, because you can't really kill the spread of information all that easily on the net. You can illegalise one method of file sharing, but then another will just take it's place. Sometimes I think about how, sometime in the distant future, I too will be making stuff, and if ppl just send it around free I wouldn't be able to make a living that way, and then I feel kinda bad. I guess the only thing you can do is make it as hard as possible  for ppl to share it, and that's why things like mIRC are home free, because it's kinda complicated to get files off it, and if you don't know how, most ppl aren't going to tell you. Well, that's all your going to here from me on the subject of the legality of file sharing, so now we shall move on. And stop. Because I've got to go over and send this ( hopefully it'll work this time ), and then I got's ta go to bed. Oh, and this time I saved putting the title on till last so I would know what I talked about first, before choosing the ever important subject. So you know this is well titled, boy.

sorry... I didn't read that you told people not to go to the end... er... beginning... er... whatever. :-) I'm just reading through... just reading through...
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