Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hmm. Thoughts of a boy genius.

Hey, you know it's not easy to come up with a good title. I mean, if you're supposed to title your post something that indicates what was written in it, well then all my posts would be called "Rabid monkey pounds on John's keyboard while he is away, John sees what the monkey has written and posts it to his blog." Which is how I suspect most bloggers write their posts. Cause sometimes they don't make much sense. You know that button on the top of the page that says "Next Blog"? Well I pushed that thing a couple of times to see what I could find, and I came up with several "ad" type blogs that had stuff like "Chiuaua Sweaters" written like a thousand times on it, every once in a while someone who used it as a sort of a Journal ( like I do ), lots of official looking pages: like a band's site, or a conservative thingy, and then I found a blog called "Naked Warrior" which was actually quite hilarious, even if unintentionally. It was a new-age-sexual-liberation-type thing ( not nasty or anything ) talking about like how "Today I am aware that I am a naked being. Instead of looking away from what I usually ignore, today I will embrace nakedness. Find and enjoy every opertunity that you have today to become naked. Go streaking down main street displaying to all how in touch with your nekid-ness you are." He never actually said that last one, but I'm sure he would have, eventually.

Hmm, not posting everyday anymore, am I? Already the posts begin to grow far in between. Just as predicted in the old testament, "The John shall probably not last into his fourth week, the temptation of laziness having overcome the sinner. Repent O-John son of jackals!, or thy soul shall be consumed by the eternal brimstone of bloglessness!!!" -Johniniah 49:12
That book of the bible was recently found deep in the lower strata of a certain teenager's bedroom, and was quickly translated from the original greek to bring the wisdom contained within to the unenlightened public. =)

Truth is, I'm only witting right now in the Thunder Bird "compose" window, because the Internet is dead. And I'm not talking about "Oops I unplugged a cable somewhere, let me go plug that back in, wow now it works." I'm talking "Omygosh the Internet is so slow it's like the place the signal is coming from is like as far away as one of those stars where the light only gets to us like 5 Million years after it started, and it shall now become a tradition passed from generation to generation in my family to once every year come back to this computer and see if this web page has finally loaded." And the sad part is that I have been here around five hours now and while the internet is working, I still haven't been able to load google. It's No sorry time-out try again. For five hours. I'm going to someday become a cybermissionary, and reach those people the Internet forgot.

That didn't make any sense whatsoever. Changing subject. I read today on my pal "midget-0-doom"'s blog that he was depressed and no one was witting any comments on his posts and pretty much echoing what I said in a post somewhere below this one about blogs and how ppl were just looking at his site to see the life of someone more pitiful than they are. I didn't exactly say that, but I was trying to get at something like it. I understand. At this point around 8 people have visited this page, or so says my handy counter thing, and for some freaky reason, 7 of those visits came an hour after I put the counter on the page. To sum it all up: NO ONE IS LISTENING!!! I know I decided not to tell anyone about this page, it being my journal and all, but it's a freaking web page, other ppl can access it, that's the point, but I can talk to myself easier in real life!! I should name this blog: "John speaks to himself. Subtitle: Welcome back to your blog John!" Hehe. Prove me wrong. I dare you! Post a comment to this. It's that button down there labeled "comment". ( John cries uncontroledly when no one comments. )

Speaking of midget-o-doom, he posted on his site a questionnaire he filled out on some site, and to my surprise I was on there a couple of times under "oldest friend" ( Seriously. We have known each other since before we were born. ) and friend living the farthest away and stuff. It made my day. Even if he spelled "Wilkos" wrong. =) To know that someone is thinking of you, even if it's only to fill out a questionnaire, is a great feeling. I think I will tell Pete about this site, just to show that his life not the most pitiful ( smiles ), and a lot of the time I feel depressed just like he was feeling then. So if you are reading this, I am thinking of you Peter. And not in the strange not right way that that just sounded, but, uh, you know, you're my friend, dude.
And uh, ahem, did you see last night's football game, lots of hot cheerleaders in that game, ahem, uh, yeah, and I killed like fifty people in an online game, man, just freaking fragged them all, yeah, ahem, and like at the end they were begging for mercy and I was like "I don't think so, you guys are already dead." and just killed them all. Hot, hot, cheerleaders, man, with the... you know *makes vague hand gestures in the air* ..............*trails off*

Right. Felt kinda awkward there for a while. Anyway, I'm outta here. This will probably be posted long after I wrote it, just like the last one. Before I go, though, check out this site I found:

It can read your mind. Just like I do. ( Stop thinking that, heathen! ) You think of something in your head and then the computer asks you yes/no questions till it guesses what you were thinking of. It took it like 5 questions ( ex: Is it hard? , Is it bigger than a microwave?, etc...) for the thing to figure out that I was thinking of a chair. Uncanny. And by the way, stop thinking about never coming back here!! Now begone mortal!!

Now I read on midget_O_doom's site that he was just ACTING depressed, wasn't really, it was just in honor of his favorite robot character in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Now I'm way embarrased, I went through all that awckward crap for nothing. Darn. No way I'm going to tell the dude about my blog now. I'll just wait until this post is gone. Ah, ze life of ze John, it iz incredIble, non?

it took it 22 questions and guesses (5 guesses or so) to get mine right... but I was trying to give it a hard time... wart. :-D Is it a pimple? NO.
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